God does not want war for us, for any of us. The last war fought for a long time on U.S. soil was the Civil War. A controversial topic for many, to say the least.
But stepping away from the cause, let us think about the suffering that took place on U.S. soil. We have gone through so many other wars, WWI, WWII, the Vietnam War… and yet none of these “other” wars took place on U.S. Soil. Our women and children were not killed. Our homes were not destroyed. Our jobs were still there. We still ate and there was still water to drink. Doctors could still be found.
But in a war that takes place in a country, none of that remains true. Horrible suffering exists for all. There is not enough food or water. Doctors can not always be found. Electricity can be destroyed, leaving many cold or hot. People freeze to death. People starve to death. There are many who wander aimlessly, having just lost too much. Water is short. People are sick.
And fear and anger run rampant.
We need to pray that if a war ever breaks out on U.S. soil, we will keep Praying and Love each other well. We need to keep Trusting God. And above all, we need to keep our Faith in Jesus.
For Jesus is coming back soon!