Why Mary, Our Blessed Mother Matters So Much!

Mary loves us.  She is Christ’s Mother and is far closer to Jesus than we are.  

I can picture Her standing at the Cross when Jesus was Crucified.  Standing at the Cross with John and Mary Magdalene and Her sister Mary the wife of Clopas, I can not even begin to truly imagine how She suffered.  But She stood there, for Jesus and for us.

When our Blessed Mother Mary died in Ephesus, The Apostles came, Mary Magdalene came, because they loved Her.  They sought her wisdom and help many times.  And they knew they could count on Her love for them and on Her great love for Jesus.

One of the objections that I have heard from people who do not pray the Rosary is that the Bible teaches us not to talk with the dead.  And it does.  But these verses do not apply here, for those in Heaven are very much alive, as is Mary!

Mary loves  us, as only a Mother can and She always points the way to Jesus.  And Mary, our Blessed Mother, helps us to deepen our faith in Jesus, because She loves Her Son and She loves us.

I pray the Rosary, because Mary comforts and helps me.  She prays for me and my prayers are answered, She heals us, both Spiritually and Physically.  And we truly need that, especially now.

Another objection I have heard from those who do not pray the Rosary is that “Mary is not God”.  But no one thinks She is, least of all Mary.  It is God who empowers Mary, not Mary.  And it is Jesus, who loves His mother so dearly, a love that only grows!

She warns us when bad times are coming and helps us to prepare.  She helps us during them.  Mary, Our Blessed Mother, is a constant in times of trouble, She never leaves us.

“Are Mother Mary, Saints and Angels omnipresent like God, to listen to prayer requests of the faithful from different locations on the planet at the same time?” Only God is omnipresent. Mother Mary, the Saints or the Angels are not omnipresent. But, they can and do listen to any prayers addressed to them from anywhere in any language. This is not because they are capable all by themselves, but rather God makes them “accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20). It is God who empowers them.” – Catholic Cafe

It’s hard to explain the wonder and beauty of Mary, our Blessed Mother.  Or how much She loves us and how close She is to us.  And how Mary, Our Blessed Mother, only deepens and strengthens our relationship to Jesus.

We live in very dangerous times.  Parts of Galilee are on fire from Islamic attacks.  Missiles are being sent over the Sea of Galilee to attack Israel.  One of Ukraine’s Children’s Hospitals was just destroyed by Russia.  And no one can dispute how much the Ukrainian people have suffered!  Taiwan’s freedom may soon come to an end.  And World War Three looms over us.

And sadly, no matter what the news reports say, WWIII does loom over us.

And so frankly, we need all of the help we can get!  And asking Mary to pray for us and praying the Rosary are a way to obtain that help and deepen our relationship with Jesus.  Both of Which we desperately need right now!

Mary, our Blessed Mother and Friend, can help us through the dark days that lie ahead.  If we ask Her too 🙂 We can’t let denominational stubbornness keep us from a closer relationship with Christ, and with Mary.  For no matter which denomination we belong to, we are Followers of Christ first and foremost.

Thank you Mary, Our Blessed Mother & Friend!

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!

The Red Horse!

 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.” – Revelation 6:3

While Praying the Rosary, I saw the Red Horse standing outside its’ stable. Ready!

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!

The Assumption Of Mary

On August 15th, the Catholic church celebrates the Assumption of Mary. The Orthodox church celebrates Mary’s Assumption later in August. It is also celebrated by the Anglican church and by many Lutheran churches.

The Assumption of Mary is a public holiday in these countries: Austria, Belgium, Chile, Croatia, France, parts of Germany, Guatemala, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, and Switzerland.

Mary our Blessed Mother’s died in Ephesus, which was originally a Greek settlement and later became part of modern day Turkey. She died and was placed in the Grotto. Her Soul went first to Heaven and then Her body was Assumed into Heaven as well.

It’s hard to imagine how happy God must have been to see Her! She had suffered so much. And yet, She was always Willing. Especially close to the Holy Spirit, Mary was always Willing to do as our Father, Her Son Jesus or the Holy Spirit Willed. She helped Jesus’ Apostles and the early church so much and made a very real difference!

And even though She missed her Son Jesus so very much, She constantly loved His people and gave Her love and Help to all of them with unceasing Grace!

Today, Mary, our Blessed Mother, can help us in so many ways. One very important way is that She points the way to Her Son, and She can help to enrich our Faith in Jesus so very much 🙂

Never be afraid to call on Mary. She is Jesus’s Mother. She is our Mother. She loves us all as only a Mother can. And She will help us on our journey as we Follow Jesus Home.

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!

The Sparrow :)

29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”-Matthew 10:29-31

While praying the Rosary for those who are suffering in Ukraine, I saw a Sparrow and was reminded of these verses. We suffer no hurt, no loss that Jesus does not see.

“Whenever good comes in contact with evil-there is suffering.” – Father Benedict, The Rosary Is A Place

We need not fear 🙂

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!

The Rosary

Someone once asked me, “Why do I pray the Rosary?”. There are a lot of reasons that I pray the Rosary, but a very important reason is that Mary, Our Blessed Mother, always brings us closer to Her Son Jesus. She points the way to Jesus and prays for us as we go.

I find praying the Rosary also gives me a lot of Peace. I worry less :). The Lord is with Mary; and He loves Her. She is His Mother. And the Rosary, all Rosaries, begin with the Cross 🙂

Much of the Rosary is actually in the Bible. It begins with the Our Father, the prayer our Lord Jesus Christ taught us. (Matthew 6:9-13)

Much of the Hail Mary is also in the Bible: Diocese of Brooklyn and the University of Dayton are just two sources you can read more about this on line.

When I think back to when Mary was on earth, caring for Jesus, loving Him as only a Mother can, I stand in awe. To be charged with raising the Son of God! Wow! To stand at His Cross, hurting with Him and for Him, but Trusting God. The Love and Trust that Mary had in God, Her willingness to obey God no matter what the cost, are simply amazing 🙂

I know that God would have picked the most loving Mother for His Son possible, and the most obedient! And to think She loves us! We are indeed Blessed 🙂

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!

The Gray Horse: A Warning

While praying to Mary, Our Blessed Mother, I saw a gray horse.

 So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.”-Revelation 6:8

There are those who find it hard to accept God’s Warnings. But God warns us because He loves us. God doesn’t ever want us to suffer and so He warns us so that we can follow Jesus and go Home to Heaven!

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!

Upon The Wings Of Eagles :)

While praying the Rosary I saw a huge eagle flying towards me and I was reminded of the Bible verse:

“But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.” – Isaiah 40:31

“shall renew their strength”. Notice, it doesn’t say that we will necessarily be healed. Perhaps we will be. But perhaps our strength will be renewed to help us to deal better with the physical and emotional symptoms of our ailments.

Perhaps our strength will be renewed so that we can deal with the loss of a loved one, the loss of a dream, the loss of our job which allows us to support our family…

Perhaps our strength will be renewed so that we might do our Father’s Will. Perhaps it will be renewed so that we might love more like Jesus does.

Whatever the reason, we need to seek what God would He have us do with our “renewed strength” 🙂

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready 🙂