Thank You!

Thank You! All Glory & Honor to God πŸ™‚

Thanksgiving is for giving Thanks! And we do that. We thank God for our Blessings this past year, for our children, for our spouses, for all those we love…It doesn’t matter what we eat, it matters that we love πŸ™‚

And as we celebrate Thanksgiving, we begin to prepare for Christmas. Jesus, born as a babe in a manger, truly is the Light of the World. He is our Savior. Jesus IS the Promise Kept and the Bridge we cross over to be reunited with our Father.

Jesus’ birth was a Gift that we can never never fully understand. It’s that big and that life changing. We can never Thank Him enough :).

This Christmas season, starting with Thanksgiving, let’s really prepare our hearts. Let’s spend time with Jesus and Thank Him. Let’s Thank our Father for sending Him, and Mary and Joseph for being His earthly parents.

Let’s let the Holy Spirit fill our hearts with love and gratitude, and share it with others πŸ™‚

Have a Happy Christmas, but also have a Holy Christmas. And use the coming days to ensure it is just that πŸ™‚