Prayer is so many things. But perhaps one of the most important things we need to realize is that we don’t have to “feel like” praying, to pray. God is good. God is worthy, whether we feel like it or not. We are saved not because of how we feel every single day, but because of who we choose to follow every single day 🙂
We can pray so many ways. In the morning when we have out quiet time with God before the day starts. While we are enjoying our first cup of coffee of the day. When we say Thank You for a beautiful sunrise or sunset or a beautiful landscape. When we see a Rainbow and are reminded that God Keeps His Promises! There is “Popcorn Prayer” and serious prayer.
There are the prayers we pray before we sleep. We pray for Help; We pray for Hope; We pray for Forgiveness and to Forgive others as God Forgives us; And we Pray to give Thanks. But there are even more prayers, such as when we tell God about our day or share our dreams and worries or when we simply listen to God. Sometimes we have so much on our plate, all we can manage is “Help and Thank You” (Max Lucado). And that is okay, God understands. And God has love and compassion for us 🙂
Another point about prayer is to end our prayers with, “God’s Will Be Done”. This is so very important. We only know what we need, or think we need, today. But God knows all of our tomorrows and exactly what we truly need. And God loves us so much. We need to learn to Trust that God will provide for us not always with what we want, but always with what we need! And sometimes He just knows better that we do what that is…
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight”-Proverbs 3:5-6
Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!