Overcome Evil With Good :)

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” -Romans 12:21

This verse can have two meanings. Sometimes, by the good we do, we can convince those with evil intentions to choose good. But it also means that by doing good in the face of evil, we save ourselves.

It can be hard to keeping doing good in the face of great evil, especially when it seems to harm those we love or us. But we can do it :). That said, it’s okay to ask God for Help, for He knows just how hard this can be and just how human we are.

So if someone is rude to you, smile at them. If someone hits you, pray for them. If someone is unkind to you, be kind to them. If someone is unloving to you, love them anyway. Hug them and let them know that they are loved 🙂

And each time, offer your effort to Jesus as your gift to Him 🙂

Today, and in the coming years, we will face those who would do us evil. Pray for them. Love them. Smile at them and offer them help. For remember, their consequences may be eternal and you may be the “only Bible they ever read 🙂

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!