Mary & Joseph: An Amazing Example of Love And Obedience

Our Blessed Mother Mary’s birthday was yesterday and I can’t help but think just how grateful I am for her amazing example.

I was reading a book about Mary and was struck by the poverty that she and Joseph lived in. The circumstances of Jesus’s birth. Joseph’s desperate search for an inn for Mary to have their baby and Mary’s patient hope!

I was reminded of how they fled to Egypt to make a home for Jesus which reminded me of just how obedient they were! When Joseph awakened to hear God tell him to flee to Egypt, he did not hesitate. He immediately got up and began to get ready. Mary also immediately got up and got Jesus ready. And they left that night. In the middle of the night; they did not hesitate to obey God!

And I was reminded that no matter the poverty of their circumstances, no matter how difficult or hopeless it seemed, Mary and Joseph loved their child and sheltered Him in all of their love. And God provided all of their need in every circumstance. God was their Hope and their Refuge, always!

Would we obey God? Is our faith strong enough that we would obey God’s commands immediately? Do we understand that no matter our circumstances, we can shelter our children with our love? With God’s love?

If not, we can simply ask God to help our unbelief and help us to Love God with “our whole heart and soul”. God will be so happy that we asked 🙂

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!