Using God’s Gifts!

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”-Psalm 4:23

How do we “guard” our heart and reach out to the lost? The answer is not easy. Some will reach out to the lost because God is guarding their heart and they know that 🙂

But God has much work that needs to be done. Helping those affected by the flood. Giving sermons. Acting as a mentor. Being a friend. Watching over and teaching children. Being a parent. Cooking for those who are in need. Helping the poor…There are so many ways that we can help and support others!

One Gift is not better than the others. But while we are “giving”, we also need to make sure that we are maintaining our own faith in Jesus!

God has given us each Gifts. We just need to find ours and use it!

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!