Our Hope & Our Help Comes From The Lord!

I met a woman today. She told me she felt the world was falling apart. She can’t find a job. Her rent has been raised to a ridiculous $2,700, and they have to move because of the increase. She really touched my heart. She was really nice and had some very real problems.

What can we say to people in that situation. One thing we can do is offer to pray for them. God is still in the business of miracles. He gives us wonderful Gifts-if we let Him. He leads us out of the mire and into a place filled with His Grace-if we let Him.

Jesus calls upon us to loves others. While praying for each other remains the most important gift that we can give, we can also give groceries too! And we can one of the most precious Gifts that God gave us-our Time.

Too many in our country can no longer afford basic necessities, but our Hope and our Help comes from the Lord. And God is always willing to Help us with both our earthly problems and our spiritual ones, just ask Him, because He loves us!

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!