God Forgives!

“But when the wicked turns from his wickednes sand practices Justice and Righteousness, he will live by them.”-Ezekiel 33:19

Today is the Jewish “Day of Atonement”. Between tonight and tomorrow, there will be much prayer, fasting and repentance.

For us as Christians, the Day of Atonement serves as a good reminder. Repenting is not just about being sorry, it’s about changing 🙂

Jesus came to pay the price for our sins so we would not have to, but that doesn’t mean we can just sin whenever we feel like it either. Nor does it mean we don’t even have to try to lead a righteous life-we do.

As Christians, every day should be a “Day of Atonement” for us. For every day we can tell Jesus how truly sorry we are for any ways in which we have failed Him, and we can seek to lead a more righteous life. For “With God All Things Are Possible” 🙂

God forgives us through Jesus because He loves us. Do not fear the sins of the past, or even the present, for God loves us beyond all measure 🙂