“ And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.”-Daniel 11:35
Some of those who understand and share God’s Truth will fall. Not to sin, but to circumstance. Already there are preachers in Canada who have been arrested for opening their churches. And Canada recently passed a law that is troubling to many Pastors. Some feel it will be used to try to stop them from Preaching God’s Truth. It also carries a 5 year jail sentence. Bill C-4:
More information on Bill c-4: Bill C 4
Christians are already persecuted all over the world. Some physically, some emotionally and some financially. We need to give that suffering to Christ, for our suffering as Christians is not in vain!
Whatever price we pay now or in the future, it is nothing compared to the rewards that will come with going to Heaven forever. Do not fear, God will give us the courage and strength we need. For God is with us always 🙂