The “Abomination”

“And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days” – Danel 12:11

Many wonder exactly what this verse means. We pray about it; we research it and we attempt to guess the answer.  We wonder how long a day is in God’s Time.  And what exactly is the Abomination?  But really, no one seems to know for sure.

In other Books of the Bible, it says that even Jesus does not know the time or the hour when He will return… ?

But we do know one thing for sure.  The Dome of the Rock and the Al-Qsa Mosque have both been built on the Temple Mount in Israel and both are an Abomination in God’s eyes!  And yet we do nothing…and neither does Israel. 

Are these the “Abomination” spoken of by Daniel or is it an Abomination that is still to come?

Either way, it does not change what we need to do today.

Love God and love each other.  Pray like other people breathe.  And ask God for guidance on this and every other concern we have.  Be Ready!