Look For God In The Small Everyday Things Of Life :)

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. “-Romans 8:18

The smile of a child, a rainbow in the sky, the beauty of the flowers blooming, the beauty of the sun on the water or in the trees, the warmth of a friend’s hug, the light and clouds of the sky, the beauty of the stars…Our Lord is there and He is here. Just waiting for us 🙂

It’s only natural to worry about the future, even fear it, because let’s face it, the future is not looking to good. But that is if we are only looking at our earthly future. What we need to do is focus on our Heavenly future :).

Earthly governments are limited in their powers, God is not. For example, the government can’t take our faith in Jesus and the government can’t take a Bible verse we memorized and hide in our hearts. The government can’t take from us our love for the Lord, or our love for our family and each other. Nor can the government take Heaven from us. All that is truly important, the government can not take, because it will always be ours. Given to us by God Himself! So do not fear 🙂

The government may take what is not important, but it doesn’t matter. Money, a house, a job…we can’t take these to Heaven with us. They may seem important now, here on earth. But they are not nearly as important as we think. And they are definitely not as important as our relationship with Jesus 🙂

One day, a day of great suffering will come. But those days will be temporary, for Jesus will come and He will take us to Heaven 🙂

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready 🙂 Keep your Faith for in the end, it is all that will really matter 🙂