There have been many articles in the media lately about July 4th. Many of which write about the lack of pride some Americans have in our country. But the way the question is asked has much influence on the answer.
The timing of the question has a huge effect on the answer. For example, if one had done a similar pole during the Civil War, many Americans would probably have said that they weren’t proud of our nation-at that time. However, if one had done the same pole after WWII, many Americans would have been extremely proud of our country!
What enters one’s mind when the question is asked has a huge impact on the answer. For example, if one asks, “are you proud of Washington” versus are you proud of the Americans you know well” are going to have two very different answers!
The specifics of the question have a huge impact on the answer. For example, what issues come to mind when making the answer: the economy, the border, abortion, gay marriage, the transgender issues in schools, Ukraine, Covid, National Security, Healthcare…
Who is one thinking about when giving the answer? For example, are we thinking about those who so bravely and selflessly fought to found this country and defend it? Are we thinking about the courage of those who wrote our constitution? Or are we thinking about those who are physically attacking others simply because they disagree? Or the vandals. Or the protestors screaming swear words outside of the homes of young children?
Are we thinking about the Great Gift God gave us, when He gave us this country! And how He has Blessed us so richly 🙂
Personally I am incredibly proud of the American People. And isn’t it the American People who matter?
We have had to weather many storms in the past few years. And we have. Millions of us, faith intact, have turned to our Lord to help us through these times. And that is something to be incredibly proud of 🙂