Gratitude & Anxiety

If we are honest, we all struggle with a bit of anxiety these days.  The world is changing, and we are not sure if, or when, it will change back.  At this point, I’m not sure we really have a choice in the matter.  I am not even sure Washington has a choice.

But I am sure that we do have a choice in what we choose to focus on.  And what we choose to focus on will be our reality.  So we can focus on and think about all of our worries.  Or we can choose to spend our time and our focus on what we are grateful for. It’s our choice, but it’s hard to be anxious and grateful at the same time?

It’s hard not to look at our lives and be grateful for something  But here are a few of the things I am grateful for:

My Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mary & Joseph, Peter and all of the Apostles who shared the Gospel with so many, all of those who sacrificed so much to get the Bible written so we could read it…my husband, my children, that I am alive, friends that love me, work, the doctors and nurses that work so bravely to take care of us, our home, grocery store workers who so bravely go to work, soldiers who defend our freedom, chocolate, flowers, the seas and the mountains, music, prayer, hugs (which I still enjoy and consider an “essential part of life), holding hands, guardian angels, pizza, sleeping, snuggling in bed when just slightly awake, the sunshine, the rain..And that we have a God who loves us!

There are so many things to be grateful for, even in the midst of Covid 19.  Make a list.  And on difficult days, read it ?

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