What’s Coming?

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”=Mark 13:32

Only God knows when Jesus will return, not even Jesus does. That said, Jesus has left us a really important guide on what is to come.

Matthew 24, Luke 21 , 2 Timothy 3 all tell us of the days to come, as does Revelations.

These days Are coming. And although we don’t know the “exact day and hour”. we need to get ready for them-NOW.

So how do we prepare? We pray. We ask God to strengthen our faith, and we do our own part in strengthening our faith as well by reading the Bible and Praying. Also, we can Pray and Ask God to strengthen our faith. And God will be happy we did :).

We need to practice walking with Jesus everyday as closely as possible. Because walking with Jesus takes daily practice.

We need to practice praying to the Holy Spirit, remembering that He is in us! What a gift. But how many times do we forget this great gift? He came to be our Comforter and Friend. We need to reach out to Him every day! And we need to learn how to let Him reach us 🙂

And we need to remember that “bad things” happen to “good people”. When we hurt, or see someone we love hurt, keeping our faith can become more challenging, but it is also when we need it the most. Ask God for help during these times and He will help you. For God is always Faithful!

And remember, Our hope and our help come from the Lord!

If we do all of these things, we will be ready! And we need to get ready NOW. God will take care of the rest 🙂