A Strong Delusion & Israel

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie”-Thessalonians 2:11

Video: The recent attacks on Israel have been horrific and are a sin against God. The Jewish People are God’s Chosen People and He loves them in a special way. If there is any discipline that needs to be done, or any change that needs to be made, God ALONE WILL DO IT!

There are many who support Israel in our world, and many who do not. But the Jewish People are God’s Chosen people and if we are truly Christian, we need to love all that God loves-including the Jewish People. ALL of them!

Anyone who does not see that is suffering from a “strong delusion” and we need to pray for them!

Prayer: Please Father, open all of our eyes to see the world as You see it! In Jesus’s Name. Amen!

And remember, Prayer Changes Things!