Covid 19 & Dieing

There’s been a lot written lately about the sadness of people dieing alone from Covid 19.  And while it is incredibly hard not to be able to be with those we love when they pass, the truth is, as you know,  no one dies alone.  Because Jesus is with them :). 

We live in extraordinary times and in these extraordinary times, Jesus may indeed give those we love extraordinary comfort, because He loves us 🙂

“Cancel” God?

A friend sent this, had to share 🙂

“The word “cancel” is getting a new use. “Canceling” and “cancel culture” have to do with the removing of support or objects for people in response to their behavior or opinions not agreed upon. Appears the latest so-called “cancel culture” actions have gone too far.

Simply, if you do or represent something that others feel is a problem, you are silenced, perhaps in voice or action. Truly, the amount of pressure and opinion, that has been stirring to create this person or organization to either shut up, disappear, stop their actions, including boycotts, or be confronted with violence, is becoming greater. Seems just like when a swarm of bees attack, when they feel their home is threatened.

Evil’s home is the world with those whom do not fear God. Evil has been practicing the word “cancel” for a very long time. All evil needs is for God’s children not to practice and live their life to represent His Word. This includes not respecting or having love for our Heavenly Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Should not this word be used, with for what it truly IS: “Cancel” God? 

Evil can only flourish if there is no resistance. Recently, I saw a sign outside of a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream store that said, “Resist. Join the Resistance.” Seems like this would be a good slogan against the “Cancel Culture” movement. Those whom fear God need to resist evil and what evil represents. God’s children whom believe in Christ’s Salvation for ALL, need to be like Christ, representing His Love and Peace. Does this mean to not stand up for what is right and God-given freedom?

NO! Quite the opposite. Jesus Christ stood up against those, whom were taking advantage of and creating hardships against good people. Jesus became their Representative and referred to their evil leaders as “rotten on the inside”. Seems like we are witnessing a lot of that in these times. Jesus did not hesitate in His Actions of Truth.

Please note that He also felt sorry for those doing evil, because He knew where their rejection of the Holy Spirit would take them. He even asked His Father to forgive them from their actions of taking Him to His Sacrifice on the cross. This IS True Love!

My thoughts and prayers are that you love one another, even your enemies and those whom do you wrong. That you are not silent for those attempting to “Cancel” God. That you stand up against evil and be like Christ. That you do ALL you can to share Him with others and increase His Father’s Kingdom. Do not forget His Promise that Jesus WILL return!! In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace.

Forgiveness is Available for all those who Ask :)

The Bible says, “fear is the beginning of wisdom”.

We may not always wish to live as the Bible has instructed, but woe to person who fails to do so, and refuses to repent.

In His great love for us, our Father has left wide open a way for repentance and forgiveness.  His name is Jesus Christ.

Don’t walk to Him, Run.  He is waiting for you with open arms ?

Laws of God

“Have you noticed the farther human nature creates distance, between the world and the Laws of God, the more dangerous it becomes? Seems like when evil pushes its agenda where if there is resistance, it uses blame, disgrace, chaos, and violence to get its ways.

God’s Word mentions His Comfort during such extreme attempts for evil to rule. “Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My law: Do not fear the reproach of men, Nor be afraid of their insults. For the moth will eat them up like a garment. And the worm will eat them like wool; But My righteousness will be forever, And My salvation from generation to generation.” (Isaiah 51:7-8) 

Evil constantly tries to expand and test the boundaries of good, just like a small child tests the parent to find out what they can get away with. If the parent lets them do anything they want without restrictions and limits, they will take advantage of them. They will even kick and scream to continue to get what they want. Does this sound familiar?

Evil always first uses tools that appear to become most successful and if not, will uses others as required. Kicking and screaming actually has no age limit for evil. If a child has been brought up without the discipline of the Laws of God, they will continue into their adulthood with the same methods learned from the world. They never experienced the “time-out” needed to learn the discipline required for good. 

The first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence sets the stage for the American Revolution and its absolute reliance on the Laws of God: “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with one another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation”. The human being, considered as a creature, must necessarily be subject to the laws of their Creator, for they are entirely a dependent being. As they depend absolutely upon their Maker for everything, it is necessary that they should in ALL things obey their Maker’s Will and Purpose.

Evil hates the Laws of God and the decent respect to the opinions of mankind. Quite the opposite, if evil’s opinions are not accepted by all mankind, then they will target the opposition of good. Bombarding and disgracing good until good becomes afraid and silent, simply is the goal of evil. Good, with God’s Mercy and Grace, needs to battle evil to do a “time-out”.

My thoughts and prayers are that you seek God’s Face and stand-up against evil. That you know His Comfort, in His Word, to not be afraid of evil’s insults, kicking and screaming. That you know God’s Healing Power and Strength, His Mercy and Grace, His Strength and Courage, His Compassion and Caring, His Love, Joy, and Peace, now and forever. Fight the Good Fight!!! Share Jesus with others. Be like Christ. In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace.”

A friend sent this to me and I just had to share 🙂

The Blessing

In case anyone is wondering why so many videos of The Blessing have been posted…

The Holy Spirit is indeed working in our world. That so many people, from so many different countries have sung this song to encourage each other and to pray for God’s help is proof of that!

So if you ever wonder if God is here, if He understands our suffering and if He will Save us-let these songs serve as your “proof” 🙂

For God loves us all, each and every one!

The Celtic Blessing | Celtic Worship & Friends

Steph Macleo
n “Our version of ‘The Blessing’ – sung in English and Scottish Gaelic. As with our brothers and sisters around the world, this song has helped us unite in Christ during a time of seperation. We’ve felt it right to offer our version in the music and language traditions rooted here in Scotland, joined by friends from across the nation. May it bless you. The Blessing – Written by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes”