Miracle Power

Lyrics: Miracle Power

We the Kingdom

This is for the lost and lonely
For the broken and afraid
This is for those who are hurting
Hoping help is on the way

In these battles of addiction
When fear is chasing after me
Whatever trouble I am facing
I will lift my hands and sing

I believe in miracle power
In a wonder working God
I am filled with the Holy Spirit
Working wonders in my heart
I belong to a loving Father
I’m a friend of Christ His Son
When it feels like I won’t make it
I call on Jesus

Sometimes it’s so hard being human
So much struggle so much pain (yes, there is)
When I start singing hallelujah
I say goodbye to every chain (oh)

I believe in miracle power
In a wonder working God
I am filled with the Holy Spirit
Working wonders in my heart
I belong to a loving Father
I’m a friend of Christ His Son
When it feels like I won’t make it
I call on Jesus, yeah
There is no other name than Jesus

I may not know
What a day may bring
But I know
Who brings the day
On the darkest night
When I cannot see
Still my soul will say

I may not know
What a day may bring
But I know
Who brings the day
On the darkest night
When I cannot see
Still my soul will say
My soul will say

I believe in miracle power
In a wonder working God
I am filled with the Holy Spirit
Working wonders in my heart
I belong to a loving Father
I’m a friend of Christ His Son
When it feels like I won’t make it
I call on Jesus
Oh, there’s miracle power
When I call on Jesus”

By We The Kingdom 🙂

The Importance Of Saying Thank You :)

“Thank You Jesus, You set me free. Christ my Savior, rescue me”-Hillsong

Remember Luke 17:11-15, the Bible verses about the lepers that Jesus healed 🙂 But despite the fact that Jesus healed 10, only one returned to say Thank You! How sad for the other 9.

There is something about saying Thank You, the acknowledgement of who our Help comes from, that truly strengthens out faith. The nine who never returned to say Thank You to Jesus will never have their faith strengthened as the one who returned to say Thank You did. And that is why it is so sad that the 9 failed to return!

When we were young, our parents taught us to say Thank You. And so we should. To God most of all 🙂 We say Thank You because it is the right thing to do and because it also strengthens our faith 🙂

It’s easy to remember to say Thank You when we receive a wonderful gift! But it can be hard to remember to say Thank You when life is just going along well and we are too “busy”. And it can be hard to say Thank You when times are tough.

But the truth is, when times are good, that is exactly when we need to make time to Thank God for His wonderful provision. And when times are tough, we need to Thank God for walking through those times with us and giving us the strength to deal with them.

And, of course, we need to Thank Jesus every day for reconciling us with our Father and creating a path Home to Heaven for us 🙂

There is a young man who started a “Thank You” sign movement. His signs thanking Jesus are only $10. You can get one (or more) of these “Thank You” signs at this site. Not only do they encourage others; they will bring us great joy!

Share with the world just how grateful you are to Jesus, get one today 🙂

God Loves Us!

Thank You!

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”-John 3:16

“What have I done to deserve a love like this?”-Lauren Daigle

I’ve always wanted to share just how much God loves us, but I can never seem to find the words to share God’s Great Love for us.  And even the words below seem so inadequate.  But one thing we can remember is that we love God, but God loved us first ?  And God’s love is amazing!

We have trouble describing God’s love for us, because it is so much stronger and deeper than anything we ourselves can give-or even imagine!

Who sacrifices, dies on a Cross and rises again for others?  Who sacrifices His only Son, so others might live?  I couldn’t do that; I honestly don’t know anyone who could.  I kneel in awe that God loves us that much ?.

And, although it’s hard to imagine, there is even more to it than that.  God loves us, “warts” and all.  On days that we don’t listen to Him, He forgives us.  On days that we are unkind, He forgives us.  On days that we just totally fail, God forgives us.  On days that we are ungrateful, He forgives us ?

Notice a pattern here, lol.  God, through His Son Jesus Christ, always forgives us ?.  His love is unconditional.  And it lasts forever.

There is never a time in my life that we can not turn to God, because He loves me that much and we need to know that.

Who doesn’t need a Father like that?  Jesus came to reunite us with our Father.  The Holy Spirit came to Help us on our journey Home to Heaven.  We are, indeed, Blessed.

Repent Before It Is Too Late!

Thank You!

“Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, Who have upheld His justice.
Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden
In the day of the Lord’s anger.”

This morning while praying The Rosary I saw an American flag and soldiers in green helmets.  When I awoke, I read a story as to how the Military is teaching it’s Cadets to stop using the words “Mom and Dad”, so as to be “gender neutral”…

God made women and men.  God did not create anything else!  And to be, or to promote anything else, is a sin.

Repentance is important.  More important than many realize.  And refusing to acknowledge a certain behavior is sinful does not negate its sinfulness!  Sin draws us away from God.  Repentance brings us back ?.

As long as we are alive, it is not too late to repent. But don’t wait, for we all need to be close to God while we are alive on this earth 🙂

And if we hope that our Lord will “hide” us in the “day of the Lord’s anger”, then we need to repent and seek God now!

Great Faith :)

 Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord’s anger.” – Zephaniah 2:3

What we really need during the days ahead is to truly know that God is with us. There is a really simple prayer that we can pray to help ensure this, “Lord, Help My Unbelief” 🙂

The next step is to ask God for stronger, deeper faith. Great faith is a Gift given to us by God, so ask God for it, He will be so pleased you did! 🙂

Another way to strengthen our faith is to Pray Daily :). As one faithful Pastor said, “Prayer Changes Things”. Prayer changes our world; Prayer changes those we Pray for and Prayer changes us :). Prayer reminds us of all the times that God said Yes (keep a Prayer journal). And all the times we thought that God said no and why that may have been a good thing!

Strengthening our faith can take hard work and practice. Ever hear the saying, “Two steps forward and one step back”? But what some forget is that it is still a net of one step forward :). It’s easy to turn to God when the answer is yes, a lot harder when it seems to be no. But I promise you, if you keep turning to God, all will come right in the end. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,[a] for those who are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

Patience and Persistence are required. Why? Sometimes God feels so close. We can almost feel Jesus walking next to us. But sometimes God can feel far away. Be patient and keep praying! Because when God feels far away, it’s not because God moved-it can be that we did!

Humility. We need to have the humility to return to God if we have drifted away. “Drifting away” just happens sometimes. It happens when we are happy and sometimes it happens when we are not getting what we want. But God is always Happy when we return 🙂

Confession and Penance when we have sinned. Many Catholics regard Confession and Penance with a Priest as an important part of Confession and Penance. Many Protestants do not. Regardless of which belief we may subscribe to, we need to Confess your sins to God and do Penance for them. It’s really important!

A willingness to share our faith with others!

A willingness to share with others when we have failed, so they will have the courage to share as well. Just because we are Christians does not mean we do everything right! Being Christian means we are forgiven-not perfect. We need to help others realize that as well 🙂

We are not required to dwell on thoughts that cause us to doubt our faith. Sometimes we can find ourselves entertaining thoughts that cause us to doubt our faith. Sometimes we read something in the news or hear something someone that plants a seed of doubt. We are not required to dwell on those things that cause us to doubt. We are in charge of what we spend out time thinking about! There will always be those who try to tear our faith in Jesus Christ down, but we do not have to spend our time with them. Instead, we need to spend the majority of our time with those who share our faith!

Remember always, that Jesus died for our sins and rose again so that we might be reunited with God and go to Heaven :). Our Father-God wants us to join Him in Heaven and He sent the Holy Spirit to Help us! Do not hesitate to ask Him for Help! You will be so happy you did 🙂

The Courtyard

Thank You 🙂

Last night while praying The Rosary, I saw the most beautiful courtyard. It was made of old stone and flowers. t I had plenty of places to sit. So peaceful and bright. I could have spent hours there. It reminded me of this verse:

“For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness” — Psalm 84:10

Do Not Fear :)

“For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.” = Luke 12:12

We all worry whether we will have the right words to speak. Whether it is for sharing our faith or defending it. But we need not worry :).

The Holy Spirit will teach us what to say exactly when we need it! He’s good like that 🙂

Please Pray For Them!

Thank you!

We forget sometimes just how young, and in many ways innocent, many of our soldiers are. They go, willing to lay down their lives for us; not having the slightest idea of how truly difficult that may be. Or even understanding the suffering that can come with being a soldier; they care far more about keeping us safe than keeping themselves safe. And yet they go anyway.

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”-John 15:13

Young soldiers laughing and talking on a train as they leave home. All seen while praying The Rosary.