“Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.”-Philippians 4: 6-7
Dear God:
Thank You!
Thank You for Family & Friends!
Thank You for filling our hearts with Joy.
Thank You for the tears that help us to release any pain that we have!
Thank You for the many times that you have helped us to walk Your path, instead of our own.
Thank You for the many times that You have helped us love, really love.
Thank You for the many times You have taken care of those we love. Thank You for making their Path to You and in this world easier.
Thank You for being with those we love and walking through their difficult times with them.
Thank You for walking with us and for helping us to face the difficult times in our own life.
Thank You for the many times You have helped us show compassion and love, rather than ingratitude or anger.
Thank You for helping us to help others. And to really find joy in helping others.
Thank You for Prayer, for it brings us so much closer to You.
Thank You for the many times we haven’t been afraid, because we knew You were with us.
Thank You for the many times that You have helped us rise above our own feelings and realize again that Faith is not about how we feel on any given day, but who we follow.
Thank You for giving us Guardian Angels to be with us each day! And thank you for helping us know that they are with us.
Thank You for the Gift of Nature; it is so beautiful and so often reminds us of You.
Thank You for the Gift of Hugs!
Thank You for those that love us on earth! They bring us so much happiness!
Thank You for babies that bring us so much joy!
Thank you for smiles, laughter and puppies…
Thank You God for your Word that is in the Holy Bible. It has helped us every day and we are so grateful for its guidance and its constant reminders of Your love!
Thank You so much for loving us.
Thank You so much for giving us the Freedom to Choose You.
Thank You for Saving us!!!
Thank You God for all of this and more!