This July 4th, Be Proud To Be American

There have been many articles in the media lately about July 4th. Many of which write about the lack of pride some Americans have in our country. But the way the question is asked has much influence on the answer.

The timing of the question has a huge effect on the answer. For example, if one had done a similar pole during the Civil War, many Americans would probably have said that they weren’t proud of our nation-at that time. However, if one had done the same pole after WWII, many Americans would have been extremely proud of our country!

What enters one’s mind when the question is asked has a huge impact on the answer. For example, if one asks, “are you proud of Washington” versus are you proud of the Americans you know well” are going to have two very different answers!

The specifics of the question have a huge impact on the answer. For example, what issues come to mind when making the answer: the economy, the border, abortion, gay marriage, the transgender issues in schools, Ukraine, Covid, National Security, Healthcare…

Who is one thinking about when giving the answer? For example, are we thinking about those who so bravely and selflessly fought to found this country and defend it? Are we thinking about the courage of those who wrote our constitution? Or are we thinking about those who are physically attacking others simply because they disagree? Or the vandals. Or the protestors screaming swear words outside of the homes of young children?

Are we thinking about the Great Gift God gave us, when He gave us this country! And how He has Blessed us so richly 🙂

Personally I am incredibly proud of the American People. And isn’t it the American People who matter?

We have had to weather many storms in the past few years. And we have. Millions of us, faith intact, have turned to our Lord to help us through these times. And that is something to be incredibly proud of 🙂

Passing The Test

For the job I currently have, one needs to pass a yearly certification exam.  Being sick, this is really difficult for me.  I prayed, my friends prayed…  And I kept failing it.  On the very last day, I passed.  In the middle of the exam, a friend who had been praying  for me sent me a cheering video.  I wasn’t even done with the exam yet!  I was going to loose my job and my insurance, but I didn’t-at the very last moment.

For me, there are two great lessons I can learn from this.  It’s God’s Timing-not our own. And maybe that is good for us :).  And Prayer Changes Things.

I won’t bore you with the details of some of the illnesses I have, but suffice to say it did take a MIRACLE for me to pass that test.  I can see it as such and be grateful to our Lord or I can take the credit myself.  But I know it was the Lord ?

A Pastor I know well used to say, “Prayer Changes Things”.  And it does.  Never forget that-it’s one of God’s Greatest Gifts ?

It would be so much easier if God would answer our prayers promptly, but that would only answer – that prayer. God’s Timing for answering our prayers also often builds our faith as well.

Passing the test of faith is far more important than any other prayer for our own needs. And if you need any help hanging on, just ask God to help. He will be happy you asked – God’s Got You 🙂

God’s Warning

 Nevertheless if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have [a]delivered your soul.”-Ezekiel 33:9

 “Therefore you, O son of man, say to the house of Israel: ‘Thus you say, “If our transgressions and our sins lie upon us, and we pine[b] away in them, how can we then live?” ’ 11 Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’’-Ezekiel 33: 10-11

There are three points here that are so important. The first comes from Ezekiel 33:9. We are supposed to warn the wicked. So when we are called “judgmental”, it’s simply not true. We “warn the wicked” because God tells us too. So those who would argue, need to argue with God Himself.

The second point that is so very important is that God “has no pleasure in the death of the wicked”. God wants everyone to go to Heaven, but it is our choice. No one is sadder than God when we do not choose Heaven.

The third is that God is Just. Always.

Persecution Versus Honest Disagreement!

There will come a great time of persecution for those who follow Jesus.  We know this because Jesus warns of this in many different places in God’s Word.  But there are also times of honest disagreement.  However, in honest disagreement there is only love-not hate.

Great persecution will come from non-believers! We shouldn’t be persecuting each other!

Fire-bombing and vandalizing pregnancy centers and churches, threatening to kill our Supreme Court Justices, demonstrating in front of the homes of our Supreme Court Justices (some of who have young children at home) and terrifying all who live there-this is NOT honest agreement.  It’s hate.

And no Christian can ever hate another.  Ever.  Jesus’ two Greatest Commandments are:

“Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”-Matthew 22: 37-39

And He meant them!  And notice, He didn’t say : Love only those we agree with!

However, it’s one thing to disagree, but it is quite another to hurt someone.  To hate someone. 

We need to pray for each other, always.  We need to help one another, always.  And most of all, we need to love each other, now and forever.  Because that is what Jesus commands.

Mary, Christ’s Mother

There is one thing that the children, both at our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Fatima, shared in common: They prayed the Rosary 🙂

Many have heard of the appearance of Mary at Lourdes. Many have visited Lourdes and have been healed. In 1858, Mary appeared to Saint Bernadette 18 times and thousands came along Saint Bernadette. People from all over the world still visit Lourdes and pray for healing of all kinds, and many are miraculously healed!

Written about less, is the shepherds nearby who saw a ray of light that led them to a statue of Mary. And Mary’s appearance in the 16th century. Mary appeared to Angleze de Sagazan. She was very, very poor and uneducated. But she was also very doubt and loved our Lord very much! Miraculously, “abudant” food was provided. A chapel was built and people were healed. One message that Mary gave was, “Do not forget to Thank God for His Blessings!” A message we still work on today 🙂

There is something else we learn, if God does not want something moved, it will not be moved!

But what can we learn today from Mary’s visit to Lourdes? There are so many lessons to be learned from Mary’s appearance in Lourdes. We learn that our Father is still in the business of granting Miracles, and we are reminded to Thank God for His Blessings! Our Father does indeed answer prayers and provides for us :). God still heals the sick, whether that is a physical sickness or a sickness of the heart :).

But we also learn that those who Follow Christ often face opposition and disbelief, but the price is infinitely worth it 🙂

We learn that Mary is kind, gracious and loving. She is constant in her prayers to God for sinners. And in her reminder for the need for Pennance!

And we are reminded one again that Mary loves us with a Mother’s Love, and can pray for us if we ask Her to 🙂

There is one thing that the children, at both our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Fatima, shared in common. They prayed the Rosary. I do to, and it has helped to greatly deepen my faith, for which I am very grateful for. Praying the Rosary can help us all 🙂

God Holds On To Us :)

We all have our struggles.  Our times when life is difficult!  Through much of my life, I have prayed often that if I ever fail to hold onto God as I should, that He would hold on to me.

This morning when I went outside, I saw God holding on to me, with both Hands ?. Prayer answered.  Thank  you Lord ?

We can all pray this prayer and God WILL answer because He loves us. And it’s an important prayer.  We all have times where we have to fight to hold onto our faith.  Times when we struggle with something that has happened in our lives, a crisis of faith some might say.  It may last a few moments or for a while. But one thing I can promise you, if you pray this prayer in Jesus’ Name, God WILL hold onto you, because He really does love you and He understands!

Don’t give up, hold on and know that God loves you and will hold on to! 🙂

Standing In The Rainbow :)

“So Jesus said to them, “… for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”-Matthew 17:20

On June 25th, in the morning, I went outside.  Our Father God said that He had something special to show me ?.  And so, of course, I jumped up and ran outside.  After all, who would want to miss that!

I went outside and there was yellow all around me.  But it seemed different somehow, and then I realized it was the yellow of a mustard seed.  And we all know the story of the mustard seed ?

I stood for a number of moments, surrounded by that light as far as I could see, to the point I could see nothing but that yellow light.

I didn’t fully understand until later in the day when I was surrounded by vivid rainbows.  They all had exactly the same yellow I had seen that morning!

And I realized, that in that very morning,  I had been  Standing in the Rainbow.  Standing in God’s Promise Kept ?

For I had indeed just started with a mustard seed of faith, that by God’s Good Grace, had grown ?

“I Am A Christian”

A really good friend sent this to me, and I thought it was so wonderful I wanted to share it.  My friend, who is in prison, teaches me so much about faith. He sent me the below poem called, “I Am A Christian” By Maya Angelou .                                                                                                            

“When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not shouting, “I’ve been saved!”
I’m whispering, “I get lost sometimes
That’s why I chose this way”

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I don’t speak with human pride
I’m confessing that I stumble –
needing God to be my guide

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not trying to be strong
I’m professing that I’m weak
and pray for strength to carry on

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not bragging of success
I’m admitting that I’ve failed
and cannot ever pay the debt

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I don’t think I know it all
I submit to my confusion
asking humbly to be taught

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I’m not claiming to be perfect
My flaws are far too visible
but God believes I’m worth it

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartache
which is why I seek God’s name

When I say, “I am a Christian”
I do not wish to judge
I have no authority
I only know I’m loved”

A Grateful Heart :)

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”-Lamentations 3: 22-23

God’s Goodness is Amazing ?.  His mercies are new every morning.  It matters not what we did yesterday, any sin that we asked for forgiveness in Jesus’ name, is already forgiven.  And so we start every day “new”.  And God’s Blessings are new every day.  We just have to look for them!  And if we are having trouble seeing them, we can just ask God to help us ?

And God’s Faithfulness can be trusted. I don’t know about you, but I know despite my best efforts, sometimes I fail to be there for the person that I love, but God does not. God is ALWAY there and He ALWAYS will be 🙂

Sometimes difficult things happen to us in this life on earth, but God Promises us that: “…that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”-Romans 8:28. This is such a comfort! There is something infinitely comforting and good in knowing that any pain that we have will somehow be used to the good 🙂

My best friend shared this verse with me, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.”- Psalm 51:12.  Life can be so hard, and it can be tiring, but God never meant us to feel sad or tired for too long.  So If we are struggling to overcome either, it is good to ask God to Restore Your Joy, I promise, you will be glad you did ?

It is difficult to be grateful and unhappy at the same time.  So we need to count the Blessings in our lives, for a  grateful heart is pleasing to God because He loves us. 

So please, take a moment, look around at all the Blessings that do surround you, and say Thank You to the one who provided them to you.  For all good things come from Lord. Thank You Lord! ?

When The “Day” Is Hard…

“For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.”-Isaiah 41:13

Some days are just hard.  Someone we love leaves for Heaven, our children grow up and move on, we lose a job or a home, someone we care about hurts us deeply, the list is endless…And although others may feel their hardships are harder than ours’, our hardships are hard to us!  But through it all, Jesus walks with us.  And at times, when needed, He carries us ?

One important thing to remember when we are having a difficult day is that some things are supposed to be hard.   And we are supposed to feel badly about them because they are hard.  But if we let them, they often bring us closer to God.  And that is the silver lining ?.

“Wrestling with our deepest pain is hard.  But if the Bible doesn’t hide stories about suffering, neither should we.”-YouVersion 

I’ve struggled with a series of serious health issues most of my life.  Too say that my younger years were difficult would be an understatement.  To say that my older years are difficult would also be an understatement.  My youngest daughter just moved to her own apartment.  It may be exactly what she should do, but it is still not easy. For 28 years, I have had a child at home, this will be a big change.  My mother is in hospice and I just lost my job…And this is only a partial list! But when we share some of the difficulties we have faced, we let others do the same!

I share this because through all these “hard” days, God has never left me. And I share this so each person will know, hardships are not an indication of God’s Love. God loves me!  Jesus has walked with me and carried me when needed and the Holy Spirit has comforted me.  And Mary has hugged me And I am so very grateful!  ?. 

Hardship is not a “sign” that God has left me (or anyone else), He’s right here, walking through it all with me.  And I am deeply grateful, for the “silver lining” that has always been the Faith that God has given me.  For when we lose one thing, God gives us another-if we let Him ?

Do not fear hardships.  Thanks to God, for those who follow Christ, they will always lead somewhere beautiful and good – because God loves us ?.