When Evil Seems To Triumph – Hope Lives!

In the 16th  and 17th  century, Mary appeared to a little known nun in Ecuador.  It was not nearly as widely reported as Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Lourdes.  And there is probably a reason for that – Mary, our Blessed Mother came to warn us.  However, Our Blessed Mother also said,

“But when evil finally seems to triumph over all, when all seems lost.  Complete Restoration of the Church will begin and the Church will reawaken.

Our Lady of Good Sucess

During the 16th and 17th centuries, our Blessed Mother Mary appeared in Ecuador to a little known Spanish nun.  She gave her both a warning for the future and hope. Mary predicted a “spiritual catastrophe” would occur in the Catholic church, beginning sometime after the mid 1900s.

One thing that Mary shared was that many would be unable to receive the Sacraments (Holy Communion, Confession, Baptism….).  And has this not occurred due to Covid?  While Walmart was deemed essential, church was not!

Mary also warned that the Sacrament of Marriage would be attacked.  And has it not been?  Less and less young people are getting married.  Gay Marriage seems to be the law of the land, despite it being clearly displeasing to God!  And in spite of the fact that during the Sacrament of Marriage we pledge before God to love another person until death due us part, divorce has grown by leaps and bounds.  Does God forgive, of course.  God forgives all those who truly repent through His Son Jesus Christ.  But the increase of men and women breaking the vow that they made before God is concerning.

There will, for a variety of reasons, be a decrease in Priestly and Religious Vocations.  And that’s important, for who will teach and continue the faith?

Many of the sick will not receive the Sacrament of Extreme Unction.  In other Christian churches, this is simply called a Prayer for the Sick.  And it’s important.  For those prayers can sometimes bring healing and always bring comfort.

Mary also told us that priests who truly serve the Lord will be attacked.  Both priests and ministers who truly serve the Lord are being attacked daily.  And their message, found in God’s Word is under attack as well.

Mary also said that many of the Faithful will be blinded.  Truly unable to see what is happening around them and truly unable to see what God requires of them!  Will they be lost? Is that not true? How many people, who we really care about, just seem “unable” to see God’s Truth?

Even more people will fall into sin!  Too many will pick and choose among God’s Word, seeking to justify their sinful choices, but there will be no justification before God!

“Widespread moral corruption, Profanation of the Sacrament of Matrimony, Depraved Priests, Unbridled lust, Loss of Innocence and Lack of Priestly and Religious vocations” are just a few of the evils which the Blessed Mother warned us would happen.

But when evil finally seems to triumph over all, when all seems lost, Complete Restoration of the Church will begin and the Church will finally reawaken. 

Because God Loves us and God is always Faithful.

We need to pray daily, both for the courage we will need and that our faith will grow – despite the difficult challenges we face. And God WILL answer  for our Help and our Hope come from God. And only God 🙂

Thank you, Mary!

Only God Can Help Us Now!

This is the beginning of the dark times, not the end.  We will either rise to the occasion or we will fall.  We will either see a great revival, or we will lose.  For only God can Help us now.

Currently, we are facing a war for this nation’s Soul.  A war for our nation’s very survival is coming.

Sadly, although many good servants of Christ have continued to pray and love Him, our nation as a whole has turned away from God.

Our country has been Blessed beyond even our greatest hopes and dreams!  It’s difficult to fathom why our nation, which has been so greatly Blessed by God, would turn away from our Creator, but we have.  Some might even say our nation has turned against our Creator, but until our nation turns back to serving our Lord, we will continue to pay the price.

“To whom much is given, much is expected”.  This concept is from Luke 12:48.

Watch, Prepare, Pray…

First They Came!

First They Came by Pastor Martin Niemoller. Pastor Martin Niemoller was a Christian Pastor born in Germany.  He wrote this poem in 1946.  It was true then and it is true today.

First They Came

“First they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.

If we allow Russia to take the Ukraine by force, to murder innocent women and children; Putin will not stop at the Ukraine.

Watch, Prepare and Pray. And pray that our nation turns back to God in time!

No Matter How Dark The World Becomes – There Will Always Be Light!

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.” – Daniel 12:1-2

There is no doubt that we are about to enter into some very dark times. The Ukraine already has. But God does not leave us without recourse. His Mercy is always with those who believe in his Son Jesus. We will be “delivered” and Jesus will return 🙂

Remember how God takes care of the sparrow? “Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there” is a line in a song by Wilder Adams.

“When your heart begins to fail, don’t forget that God answers prayers” is great advice too. (from the same song).

God will always be faithful and Jesus will always love us, the Holy Spirit is here to Help us and Mary prays for us. War does not change that! Our destination is still the same!

Peace Through Strength!

President Reagan’s foreign policy was once said to be based on, “Peace through Strength”. President Reagan was right. Peace can only be obtained through strength. As a nation, we no longer have that strength, but we still can. If we choose too.

Our strength comes from God, and God alone. The closer we are to God, the stronger we are. And that is just one reason that prayer matters! It is through prayer that we deepen our relationship with God. Prayer can be what we tell God and what God tells us. It can simply be our “Thank you” for all that God has given us.

Prayer can be many things, but it should be a constant in our lives and it should be in Jesus’ Name. If we want to be strong, we need to pray daily.

And a time is coming when we will need all of our strength and God’s!

Innocence Lost…

There is something that makes us all smile-babies. And how many of us find ourselves smiling at the antics of a toddler? Their innocence and smiles make us smile.

But how much of that innocence will be lost forever if the war in Ukraine goes forward? It’s not just soldiers who will be injured and killed; it will be Mothers and babies. It will be children. And they will loose their innocence forever.

Jesus said, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!” (Matthew 18:6–7, NIV)

Can you imagine watching your mother killed, injured or raped? Imagine you are 5, and you are watching your mother raped right before your eyes and then watch as she is killed, her blood pooling on the floor in front of you. The soldier who brutally raped and killed your mom in front of you, looks at you. He raises his gun and points it at you. And you, even as a child, think you will be next. But he lowers his weapon and walks out.

But even as a child, you wish he had killed you. For now, you are left to live with the memory of your mom, who loved you above all else, being brutally raped and murdered. Now, you are left to fend for yourself at age five, you must find food, water and shelter. This is what war is! This is what we don’t want to face from the comfort of our homes!

Someone else’s battle? Perhaps. But we are all part of God’s family and we don’t get to forget them, nor do we get to forget our responsibility for them, because they are part of our family!

Once before we stood on the sidelines. During the first years of WWII, many were injured and killed. Could we have saved any of them? Should we have? How many suffered because we were afraid?

If war happens, it will happen, in part, because we allowed it to happen.

Pray for peace. For if there is war, there will be great suffering. And if there is great suffering, the responsibilty will be with us all.

Pray The Rosary!

We are told that war has not yet begun in the Ukraine.  And yet there are videos that show that Russian backed forces are firing on the Ukrainians and two Ukrainian soldiers have died.  Others will as well.  Right now, there is quite a bit of arguing happening as to whose fault the Ukrainian situation is, but there will be plenty of time to sort that out.

However, now is the time to pray for those who are hurting.  Those who are killed or injured, and those who love them, on all sides.  Pray for them.  Pray that they pray for themselves!

And pray the Rosary and pray that the soldiers on all sides do as well.  Meditate on how the Rosary ends, “Holy Mother, Mother of God, please pray for us now and at the end.  Amen”.  Do we not want the Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, praying for us?  Especially at the end?  Part of the Rosary prays “Jesus, please Save me from the fires of Hell”.  Do we not wish to be Saved?  Do we not want those we loved Saved?  In a war, people will be injured or killed.  No matter what, some people will be hurt. 

We can, however, pray that they will never die alone.  And we can pray that we will not die alone.  Pray the Rosary, or at least some of it every day.  And be comforted, God will not let us down and we will never be alone.

Imagine what might happen if the whole world said the Rosary?  War has a way of robbing people of their humanity.  Prayer has a way of restoring it ?

Your Deepest Fear

A really good friend sent this to me and I just had to share 🙂

You question yourself, Who am I to be smart, beautiful inside and out, have special abilities, and astonishing? Who are you NOT to be? YOU are your Heavenly Father’s Child!! Your thinking like you are not qualified does not serve your Heavenly Father for His Will and Purpose for you. God’s Promise IS to provide you ALL you need to serve Him!

There IS nothing free from ignorance about making yourself smaller SO that other people will not feel confident around you. ALL God’s Children are meant to shine!! You were born to reveal the Glory of God that IS within you! Part of His Spirit is not just in some; it IS in everyone of His Children! As you let your Light shine, you give others consent to do the same. As you are set free from your own fear, His Presence in you encourages and sets others free. YOU are God’s Example to represent Him – to extend His Mercy and Grace, His Healing and Redeeming Power, His Strength and Courage, His Love, Joy and Peace to others!! 

Truly, it IS by your own choice whether to restrict your Father from providing His Blessings Full upon you – to cover you in His Shroud of Thanksgiving! Do NOT fall victim to the evil one’s tactics of bombarding you with the world’s opinions of what you should say, think or do – to be popular to others. Always ask God to send His Holy Spirit to abide in you, to guide you towards Him Eternally! Trust Him in ALL things, that your Confidence in Him IS NOT shaken! 

My thoughts and prayers are that you let God do what He IS best at – Loving and Caring for YOU! Know that you really need Him and He really needs you to expand His Kingdom! Lift the weight of caring – by doing!! In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace.”

Do Christ’s Commands Change During War?

Christ’s commands remain the same!

When we really “see” someone, it’s hard to hurt them.  That’s why Social Media and Texting can be so bad!  It’s just easier to hurt someone we can’t see.  (Not that it is right, it’s just easier), because we are not forced to see their smile crumble or their eyes in shock at the pain.

It’s the same in war. Hurting a sister or brother in Christ is much harder up close and personal than it is from far away. Pray for all of them! And pray for those who love them.

Since the beginning, political leaders have ordered their people into battle, but rarely go themselves. And seldom do they realize the cost, both emotionally and physically. They are protected by their allies and do not experience the horrors of the Battlefield, nor do they carry the memories. Pray for those who do! And those who love them.

On the Battlefield and off, God loves all people.  Jesus died and rose again for each one of us and the Holy Spirit was sent by God to help all of us.  It does not matter which country we reside in, for we are first and foremost Citizens of Heaven and Followers of Jesus!ove the Lord y

Clearly Christ commanded us to Love God and Love our Neighbor!  ALL of them!