Jesus Taught Us The Our Father!

There are very few “actual” prayers that Jesus taught us that most denominations agree on. One of them is the Our Father.

In Luke 11:4, Jesus taught us the Our Father (Lord’s Prayer) when one of His desciples asked Him to teach him to pray and to obey God’s Will on earth as we do in Heaven:

“And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.” -Luke 11:1-4

Do we do the really do that first part? Hallowed means Holy. And yet Hollywood continues to swear in God’s Name both in movies and in TV… We hear it on the radio. We hear it in songs. And some of us, sadly, use it inappropriately ourselves, but we don’t have too.

What about OMG. Is it really making God’s Name Holy? Or is it making it common.

We all know what we have to do about the above misuse of God’s Name, will we do it?

As for , ” Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.” -Luke 11:2. We all know that this is not done on earth as it is in Heaven. If it was, there would be peace on earth. There would be no violent demostrations, no gay marriage, no abortion…To many people do not love others as Jesus loved us.

No, God’s Will is not done on earth, but, with God’s Help, it could be. It’s up to us.

We are on this earth to love God and to love others. If we love God, we need to respect and obey Him. Respect and obedience needs to be part of that love. Pray the Our Father every day, and really think aboutthe words. 🙂

Heaven Is Worth The Effort :)

“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” – Phillippeans 3:20

We put so much worry and effort into ensuring our life here on earth, which is temporary, is a good one, but not nearly enough into ensuring our forever life is in Heaven 🙂

There is one way to Heaven: Jesus. And His way is easy. He loves us unconditionally and forgives our sins. He has created a bridge to our Father for us and a way to Heaven. In addition, Our Father sent the Holy Spirit to Help us while we are here on earth!

There is not a single human being that can not enter Heaven if he or she wishes. (how’s that for fair, lol). It is the greatest gift we will ever receive.

We just need to Accept His Great Gift and Follow Jesus Home 🙂

The “Abomination”

“And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days” – Danel 12:11

Many wonder exactly what this verse means. We pray about it; we research it and we attempt to guess the answer.  We wonder how long a day is in God’s Time.  And what exactly is the Abomination?  But really, no one seems to know for sure.

In other Books of the Bible, it says that even Jesus does not know the time or the hour when He will return… ?

But we do know one thing for sure.  The Dome of the Rock and the Al-Qsa Mosque have both been built on the Temple Mount in Israel and both are an Abomination in God’s eyes!  And yet we do nothing…and neither does Israel. 

Are these the “Abomination” spoken of by Daniel or is it an Abomination that is still to come?

Either way, it does not change what we need to do today.

Love God and love each other.  Pray like other people breathe.  And ask God for guidance on this and every other concern we have.  Be Ready!

We Will Need Courage!

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” -Deuteronomy 31:16

“So this I will remember when the battle comes to me. To fix my eyes on things above and not what I see.” – Goliath by Lucy Grimble and Mitch Wong

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the facing of it. And courage comes from “walking with the Lord”. We are going to need that courage, so we best start walking 🙂

If we walk with the Lord and ask Him for the courage we need, He will give it-always!

Living With Anxiety!

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” – Phillippeans 4:8

Anxiety is not a feeling to feel bad about. It’s something we all struggle with; and we all feel it at one time or another. We live in a difficult time and anxiety is a normal reaction to it.

However, sometimes anxiety is so severe, we need a doctor and medicine. And that’s okay; God made doctors and medicine for a reason. So do not be afraid to see one and ask for help!

But we also need to remind ourselves that God is in control and there is a limit to what will happen! And there are a few things we can do to ease our anxiety: Excercise. Pray. And stay in the moment!

Excercise is self-explanatory and it’s a proven fact that it does help with anxiety. And it can be all different kinds: walking, running, biking, swimming… In addition, there are many books as to why excercise helps on the market. It’s good for your mind and your health!

Pray. Pray like other people breathe! We can ask God to help us with our anxiety. If there is a special situation we are anxious about, God will either fix it or help us to deal with it :). If we are dealing with general anxiety, God can help with that too!

Stay in the Moment. A lot of our anxiety comes from worrying about the future, but we do have a choice as to what we think about! For if we are thinking about our worries all the time, than we will feel anxiety all the time!

God wants us to rest, but often we take the time God gives us for rest and turn it into a time for worrying. If we are going to sleep, we need to focus on how comfy our beds are and enjoy that! We need to dwell on memories of happy times and be grateful for them!

Nature is another great resting place. By focusing on the beauty that surrounds us, we are shifting our thoughts from our worries to the beauty of the world around us and how grateful we are for that beauty! 🙂

We have a choice as to what we think about. We can either think about the things that worry us or we can think about the happy and beautiful things that God has given us. If we must think about our future, we can focus on Heaven. It’s our choice. Given to us by God Himself 🙂

Be Ready!

 “Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” – Daniel 12:10

Let’s face it, no one really likes to suffer, but the very real difference is that we will understand it! And let’s not forget, it will be a sign that Jesus is coming 🙂

The wicked will also suffer, but none shall understand why. We will. And that will make all the difference!

So watch, prepare and pray. For our time is coming and we need to be ready.

Who Prays For You?

Choose your close friends wisely 🙂

We live in difficult and sometimes confusing times. We all face pressure. Pressure to provide. Pressure to protect those we love from covid. Pressure to deal with the political chaos that effects us all. But perhaps the most dangerous pressure we face , is the pressure to turn our backs on God. And it is this pressure that we must triumph over most of all.

There are many ways in which we can do this, not the least of which is asking our Lord to Help us 🙂

But there are two things we can do as well. We can pray like other people breathe and we can choose our close friends wisely.

Asking a number of very wise people how they choose their close friends, the best answer was a question, “Who do you ask to pray for you?”. I had to think about that for a while. There is a small group of people that I go to when I am truly in need of help. And I ask them to pray for me 🙂

Why them? Because I know them well and they know me. And I know they pray often and know God well. I trust them. And I know if I am making any mistakes, they will tell me. For we can have the very best of intentions and yet still make mistakes 🙂

It is this same group I go to when I am unsure of a Bible verse’s meaning or a choice I must make, for I know they will lead me on a Godly path.

Another great answer I received was also a question, “Do they pull you down more than you pull them up? When choosing close friends, that is an important question.

It’s important to reach out to those who do not yet know Jesus, but it is also important to stay on the path ourselves!

So Pray like others breathe and choose your close friends wisely 🙂

Mary’s Warning About Russia – Part Two!

“she (Mary) warned that World War I would be followed by a far worse conflict unless people stopped “offending God.” She called for the “consecration of Russia to my immaculate heart”; otherwise, Russia would “spread her errors throughout the world.”

Mary was very clear in her warning in Fatima.  If the world continued to “offend God”, we would suffer the consequences.  Clearly, the world has not stopped offending God.  The question is, “why not?”

Sadly, some people have chosen become their own “gods”.  They think that they can choose whatever life style or actions they wish to and face no consequences for those choices.  But that is just not true. There is ONE GOD and it’s not any of us 🙂

God created this world and us.  He sent His only Son Jesus to Save us.  He sent the Holy Spirit to Help us.  And Mary has Loved us with a Mother’s love, she Prays for all of us and has Warned us, with love and kindness, hoping to turn us back to our Lord in time.

But our world has refused.

Will the Ukraine be part of those consequences?

What will it take to turn our nation, indeed our world, back to the Lord who created it?