Disagreement Among Christians!

There is much disagreement on political issues among Christians today.  And that disagreement can, at times,  be very painful.  But there really should be no disagreement on right and wrong, because God clearly tells us what He considers right and wrong in the Bible. Right and wrong is not up to another person, but up to God Himself.  And consider this,  Jesus did not tell us to love only those we agree with, He told us to love everyone. And as the song goes, “Love Changes Everything” 🙂

One way to deal with situations like these is to ask God to help us love more like Jesus.  Remember, He loved us first!  And because he loved us so, we followed Him.  After all, isn’t that what attracted us to Christ in the first place?

So if we find ourselves in disagreement with a Sister or Brother in Christ, here are some steps we can take:

 Remember that Jesus commanded us to love on another and be sure that is where our motivation is coming from. We need to check our motivation to ensure that our discussions are really coming from a place of love and not our own desire to be right. But if our conversations are truly coming from a place of love, then God requires us to share the Truth!

And we can also remember it is a long path that we are on. I wasn’t at the same place when I was 20 as I am at 60 and I made my share of mistakes along the way. And I won’t be at the same place when I am 80 because God takes us to different places along the way. Judging someone else’s path to God is not helpful to us or them. Leave the Judgement to God, for He knows the heart of a person, we do not. We can sometimes plant the seed, but its growth is up to God 🙂

So if we find ourselves in disagreement with a Sister or Brother in Christ, here are some more steps we can take:

  • Ask the person that we are in disagreement with to ask the Holy Spirit to show them the Truth.  We need to do this too!  We must always accept that we might be the person who is wrong!
  • Try to find the answer in God’s Word, The Holy Bible, but make sure it is an unaltered Bible. And we can ask the Holy Spirit to help us read it.
  • Always remember that the “ends do not justify the means”.  Sin is sin. Two wrongs do not make a right… “Nor will it justify any man’s robbery to say, it was for burnt-offerings”-Isaiah 61:8
  • Pray for yourself and for the other person.  We can ask God to help us to love more like Jesus.  Jesus did not entangle Himself in endless debates.  He knew the Truth and He shared it.  He left the choice to each person to accept it or not.  It is the same for us, we can share the Truth, but whether another accepts it or not is up to them.
  • We can focus on God ?.  “When, by the grace of God, we attain to holy indifference as to the affairs of this world; when, though our hands are employed about them, our hearts are not entangled with them, but preserved entire for God and his service,”-Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary on Isaiah.

“Love each other as I have loved you.” – John 15:12

We don’t get to just disobey that command, even if it is a little more difficult sometimes. He also didn’t say, love your fellow believers. Jesus wanted us to love everyone, even those who do not believe 🙂

Struggling With Doubt!

Doubting Thomas

We all remember the story of, “doubting Thomas”.  The one where Thomas wanted to see proof that there were nail marks in Jesus’ hands so Thomas could know for sure that it was Jesus. 

Thomas said, “Except I shall see on his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe”

After Jesus invited Him to touch his wounds, Jesus said:

“Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” – John 20:29

What is really special in these verses is not only Jesus’ love for Thomas, but Christ’s compassion and understanding for Thomas’ doubts.  He knew that Thomas struggled and He helped Thomas through that struggle!

Perhaps in this most well known story, we see Thomas’ moment of doubt, but we also see his moment of hope.  And it is a story we remember well, because Jesus said those who did not see Him (Jesus), but believed – would be Blessed (that is us ? )

But there is also a lessor known passage: “Then said Thomas, which is called Didymus, to his fellow-disciples.  Let us also go, that we may die with him” – John 11:16

Thomas loved Jesus and he was willing to die with him.  Jesus picked him to be one of his Apostles knowing full well he would struggle, but He picked Him anyway.  Perhaps with good reason ?

We don’t have to be afraid of our struggles with doubt.  We all have them.  Jesus knows and understands that!  All we need to do is keep turning to Jesus with our doubts and all of our struggles. We can Trust Jesus, He can handle all of our doubts, fears and struggles, with Great Love and Compassion.

Remember, we only need faith the “size of a mustard seed”

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”- Hebrews 11:1

Hard Times Are Here And More Are Coming…

There is no doubt that the past few years have been difficult ones.  More are coming.

Many parents worry about the future for they know that the future will be even more difficult than today.  For we know that we will one day look back at these days as the “easy” days.  Frightening thought-if you are not a Believer in Christ.

But as Believers, we need not fear.  God’s ability to provide for us has not changed   Just as God provided for Moses, He can provide for us.

“He spread out a cloud as a covering, and a fire to give light at night.  They asked, and he brought them quail; he fed them well with the bread of heaven.  He opened the rock, and water gushed out; it flowed like a river in the desert.” – 105:39-41

“He saved them from the hand of the foe; from the hand of the enemy he redeemed them.” – Psalm 106:10

“Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.” – Isaiah 59:1

Jesus Heals The Sick and Feeds 5,000: Matthew 14:13-21

Our Father sent His only Son to Save us because He loves us; He will not let us down now!

“Praise the Lord.  Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” -Psalm 106:1

Why Did God Send Jesus When It Caused Jesus So Much Suffering?

Yesterday, we focused on the forgiveness we were Blessed with through the Coming of Jesus.  One stumbling block a few people experience in accepting that forgiveness, is they wonder why our Father would allow Jesus to suffer so much on our behalf?  So let’s clear that up ?

First, our Father may have sent His only Son, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16,  but Jesus also wanted to Come; for He loved us too!  God sent His only Son, but He did not send His Son Jesus against Jesus’ Will.  Jesus loved us. He wanted to Save us.

Second, God is always Fair.  Which means God is always Just, “Yet the children of thy people say, The way of the Lord is not equal: but as for them, their way is not equal.  When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby.  But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby.  Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal. O ye house of Israel, I will judge you every one after his ways.” – Ezekiel 33:17-20

Because God is equally Merciful AND Just, He wanted to find a way for those who wanted to be forgiven-to be forgiven.  And yet, the sins that had been committed needed to be paid for.  And that is why Jesus Came, to pay the price for our sins, so that we wouldn’t have to.!  He loves us that much!  And so does our Father 🙂

Sometimes, it’s hard to think which was harder, Jesus suffering on the Cross, or those who loved Him so, watching Him suffer on the Cross.

We are indeed Blessed, to be loved so much, that all of the suffering on our behalf was deemed worthwhile.  Our path is a comparatively easy one, we just need to accept Jesus’ Great Gift ?

Jesus Came To Save Us :)

According to the dictionary, Save means “keep safe or rescue someone from harm or danger”.  Jesus, first and foremost, came to Save us.  Mankind had become so sinful and grown so far a way from God, that we didn’t even realize just how much danger we were in. 

Jesus may have done many things while He was here with us.  He showed us what real love looked like, He taught us right from wrong, He performed miracles…The list is endless.  But first and foremost, Jesus came to Save us.

Without Christ’s forgiveness, we would be the chaff.  With Christ’s Forgiveness we are the “believers”, and so we are the wheat ?. 

“His winnowing fork is in His hand to thoroughly clear His threshing floor, and to gather the wheat (believers) into His barn (kingdom); but He will burn up the chaff (the unrepentant) with unquenchable fire.”-Luke 3:17

The time of the Harvest will come; we need to be ready.  Part of getting ready for that Harvest is putting our Trust in Jesus Christ.

In Mark 1:10, it says,  “But that you may know that they Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins.”

Notice that it doesn’t say believe, hope or think.  It says Know.  There is a difference between believing and knowing.  Jesus didn’t want us to “believe” or “hope” our sins were forgiven.  He wanted us to Know.  And He wanted us to be confident in that knowledge.

When the Harvest comes, and it will come, we can rest easy in Jesus knowing that our sins are completely forgiven.  For not only did Jesus come to forgive our sins, He came so we would Know that our sins are forgiven.  Jesus could have just ensured our forgiveness, but Jesus wanted us to Know that we are forgiven! Jesus did not want us to worry or fear while we waited for His return.  When Jesus comes for us, it will be with great love and joy, and hugs for all His of His believers ? 

Christ’s Birth Was Prophesied About 700 Years Before He Was Born!

In Isaiah 61, we read about Christ’s coming.  His first coming, which of course, as we know, did come true ?  We read about what His ministry will be like.  And we read of God’s Mercy and His Justice. 

As we prepare for Christmas and the celebration of Christ’s birth, we are grateful that Christ came for us, for without His willingness to suffer in our place, we would not be covered by God’s Great Mercy, we would be facing God’s Great Justice…

Isaiah 61 was written about 700 years before Christ was born and John was written about 90 years after the Death and Resurrection of Christ :).  At Great Cost, God Saved us, because He loved us so!

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” -John 3:16.

There are many prophecies of Christ’s coming, but Isaiah 61 is one.  Seven hundred years before Jesus was born.  Below is a link to a list of 55 prophecies of Christ’s birth, His ministry, Death & Resurrection and His role in the church:

Jesus Film:  https://www.jesusfilm.org/blog-and-stories/old-testament-prophecies.html

Jesus is real!  Follow Him 🙂

This Christmas we celebrate His birth and the Love God has for us.  We celebrate the willingness of Mary and Joseph to follow God’s Will no matter the cost.  And we can celebrate Christmas best by doing the same ?

God’s Children :)

In Isaiah 60, we read a description of what God’s Kingdom will be like.  In Isaiah 60:4, we read:

“Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side.”-Isaiah 60:4

Many Christian leaders refer to this verse as the complete regathering in Israel, but it says something really important to all of us.

It tells us that because God loves us and He understands how much we love our children!  We love our children more than life itself, and yet that is not nearly as much as God loves us!  And because He is our Father, he understands our love for our own children.  ?

How Great is our God that He would take the time to ensure that we can rest in His understanding ?

Always remember how much our Father loved His Son Jesus!  And yet He sent His only Son to save us. 

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”-John 3:16

Believe me, He loves our children too and will never stop loving them.  Just as He will never stop loving us!

God Will Always Love Us!

A Prayer Of David

“Hear me, Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.
Guard my life, for I am faithful to you; save your servant who trusts in you.
You are my God; have mercy on me, Lord, for I call to you all day long.

Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you.

 You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you.
Hear my prayer, Lord;  listen to my cry for mercy.” – Psalm 86: 1-6

In the King James Version verse 7 says:  “In the day of my trouble I will call upon you; for you will answer me.” -Psalm 86: 7

In one way or another, we are all “poor and needy”.  Some of us are “poor and needy” in the obvious way, whether it be our home or our health… Some of us are “poor and needy” in our hearts-we do not love God or anyone else.  Some of us are “poor and needy” in faith-we don’t have any.  But Jesus came to help us all and He will if we ask Him ?

God is Good, even when we are not.  Does anyone really doubt that?  No matter what we did or failed to do, God’s Love has always remained steadfast.  And God has always remained faithful to us, even when we failed to be faithful to Him!  He sent His only Son to Save us ?

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”-John 3:16

Which one of us would have the love and strength to watch our Son suffer so for the sake of another?  I know I couldn’t and I really don’t know anyone who could.  If we ever needed proof of His Goodness and His love, this is it ?

“I put my trust in you”.  We all put our Trust in something.  Some of us put our trust in money and in hard work.  Some of us put it in family.  And still others put their trust in friends.  All of them are good,  but they can all let us down.  God never let’s us down.  No matter what, God is always here for us, because He loves us!

Mercy.  God will always have Mercy on those who call upon Him in the name of His Son Jesus Christ.  He loves us and His Mercy is without end ?

“In the day of my trouble I will call upon you; for you will answer me”.  Notice it doesn’t say “the day of trouble”.  It says “the day of MY trouble”.  We all have troubles.  Perhaps it’s a lost job, perhaps it’s a person we love who is sick, perhaps it’s our own poor health.  But God will ALWAYS help us in the day of our trouble.  He will either fix it or help us endure it.  But either way, we need Him and He will be there.

God loves us more than we can understand.  He is always with us, whether we can see Him or not.  His love is not dependent on any action we take or fail to take.  God’s love for us is endless.  There will never be a time in our lives when we can not, in Jesus’ name, turn to Him.  He’s got us, and we can rest in that knowledge because we can Trust that His love is True and it is for Always ?

Praying For Faith :)

“On hearing this, Jesus said to them, â€śIt is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”-Mark 2:17

One way or another, we all need healing.  And Jesus came to Heal us ?.  But the question is, what type of Healing do we need the most:  Physical or Spiritual Healing?  When we need both, which one do we ask Jesus for?

In additions, there is a prayer card from Our Lady Of Lourdes.  It has a beautiful picture of Mary, Jesus’ Mother on the front and a prayer on the back.  In the prayer it says “where many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal”.  Clearly Mary also knew how important spiritual Healing is too! ?

I can only share with you my personal experience.  I have CHF (Heart Failure), Lung disease, Asthma, Graves Disease, Ted (Graves Disease in your eyes), Hashimotos, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjogrens and Orthostatic Hypotension. Now I see a Neurologist and need a brain MRI because I keep falling…And yet, I feel that nothing is more important than spiritual Healing.  Nothing.

I could ask Jesus to be Healed physically.  But consider this, Jesus will answer, but the answer may be “yes” or “no” or “not yet”. 

But if I ask God to give me faith, HIs Gift of faith will always carry me through any suffering and make that suffering lighter.  When we ask our Father for faith; His answer is always yes.  It may not happen in an instant, but it WILL happen.

There is another reason I consider a prayer for faith more important than a prayer for any physical healing.  Without Faith, no matter how physically healed we are, that healing will be worthless.  For without Faith in Jesus Christ, we have nothing here on earth and we will not enter Heaven.  In other words, without Faith, physical healing is worthless!

A word to those who are sick. Sometimes we can feel frustrated when we can’t physically do the things for others that we would like too, but we can pray for them! And there really is no better gift that we can give 🙂

Can we pray for both Faith & Physical Healing.  Sure!  But of the two, Faith is the more important prayer. For “With God, All Things Are Possible”.

Thanking God!

“Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  – 1 Thessolonians 5:16-18

Another important prayer is thanking God, both on easy and difficult days. It’s easy to Thank God on a really great day. When the sun is shining and our families are close to the Lord, happy and healthy, our prayers seem answered (the way we want). And indeed, all good things come from God :).

But it’s harder to Thank God on bad days. When someone we love is sick and when someone we really care about dies or when we loose our job or home. When we go to the grocery and just can not buy the things are family needs. When someone we’ve been praying for, for a long time, just isn’t willing to accept Jesus as their Savior. (Or at least not they way we think they should). There are many “troubles” in this life; the list, unfortunately, seems endless. But Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble” (John 33:16), and we do…

But the thing to remember is, even on days of trouble, the Lord is with us. We are human and sometimes our suffering overwhelms us. But our suffering does not overwhelm Jesus; He knows just what to do. And we need to let Him 🙂 If we follow Jesus, we will come out the “other” side -and we will grow closer to God!

There are many benefits of having a grateful heart. One is , as human beings we are just happier. To look around and see the glass half full instead of half empty is just a happier place to be. And it is a choice; given to us by God Himself! We can count our Blessings or our Troubles, it’s up to us…

So today, let’s really count our Blessings and be Grateful. For no matter how difficult the day, God always leaves us a Blessing to hang onto, we just need to look for it. And if we can’t see it; we just need to ask God to show it to us 🙂