The Bible

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” -Psalm 119:105

Read the Bible every day.  It doesn’t have to be a lot.  But read it, because it will help keep you focused ?.  And that is so important!

The Bible is the most read book in the world for a reason! For the Bible is God’s Word!  It covers every situation we will face in this world.  And it tells us how to grow and live in this world, and how to come Home 🙂

Don’t worry if it seems confusing at first; it will become clear. Always ask the Holy Spirit to Help you understand what you are reading. And a tip to new readers: it may be easier to read the New Testament first and then the Old Testament. And hold on to the fact that one of God’s Promises is that if we ask Him to grant us more faith-He will. Just keep asking 🙂

Speaking of God’s Promises… The Rainbow is simply a reminder of God’s Promises to us and that God Keeps His Promises ALWAYS! God’s Promises are listed in the Bible and we can count on them-always!

So every time we see a Rainbow, we can be reminded that God is with us and that He loves us. And God will always keep His promises to us!

The First Step :)

We choose to put our Faith in Jesus Christ by asking Him to be our Savior ?

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” – John 3:36

How?  We simply decide to; we choose to.  We ask Jesus to be our Savior and we ask our Father to forgive our sins in Jesus’ Name.  We invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts, in Jesus’ name.  And Jesus will take care of the rest ?

It’s easy to get caught up in the semantics of words.  And it’s easy to ask ourselves if we really “believe” enough.  But the truth is, we only need “faith the size of a “mustard seed”.  But as small as that mustard see is, people still ask if they have enough faith to choose Jesus?  But the truth is-we just need to ask Jesus to be our Savior.

And think of how God defines faith:

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”. – Hebrews 11:1, King James Version

Isn’t this what we hope for? A God who loves us, who is always with us and who brings us home to Heaven forever.

We don’t have to wait until we “feel” we have enough faith; we just need to ask Jesus to be our Savior ?

Faith is not how we “feel” on any given day, but rather it is who we choose to follow on every day ?

Choose Jesus, He will not let you down ?

Faith Is A Gift From God :)

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” – Hebrews 11:1

Since the beginning of time, people have asked themselves and each other:  “How do I get more faith in God?”  What can I do?  What should I do?

But the answer is not what we should do.  The answer is with God.  Only God can give us more faith, for Faith is a Gift from God.  It’s not something we do, it’s something God does-for us ?

So how do we “get more faith”?  We ask God for it!  And God is happy to give it to us, because He loves us! ?

God’s Good Gifts :)

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” – Luke 11:13

God gives Good Gifts! He gives GREAT Gifts :). First is His overwhelming love for us. For no matter how many times we fall, He helps us up once again and He loves us. And through His Son Jesus, He forgives us. His love is unconditional and forever. We can never loose it 🙂

And He gives us each other! People to love who love us. Family, neighbors, co-workers, friends, and all the people we meet through out our day! And He crosses our paths with fellow believers so that we do not ever walk alone on His Path 🙂

And He gives us Gifts while on earth to strengthen our faith and to help us in our walk with Him. How many times have we seen an unexplained rainbow where there should be none? If we focus, we can let it remind it that God Aways Keeps His Promises!

And how many times have we seen the beauty of a the sky or a flower that makes us catch our breath and smile? Or how many times, when we are down, have we just happened to run into an old friend, or perhaps a new one? Or just met a person with a great smile that just lifted our heart up? God is always looking out for us, because God cares 🙂

Perhaps one of the more important things to remember, is that no matter how old we become, we are still God’s child and He loves us. Always :).

God’s Love for us remains the same whether we are seven or seventy. We can rest in His Hands and we can Trust Him. We will always be His children 🙂

Courage :)

The dictionary defines courage as “doing something that frightens me”. Courage is not the absence of fear; courage is the facing of fear.

We all have fears that we have to face and God can help us face them. Perhaps it is as simple as finding a new job, meeting strangers, being a good parent, driving in a storm… Or perhaps it is even more intense, serving in the armed forces or as a police officer, serving as a firefighter, dieing…

In all of these cases, God can help us face our fears AND conquer them.

The first step to conquering our fear(s) is simply Trusting God. How? We just make a decision. It’s that simple.

And then we do what we need to do 🙂

It is only by stepping out in faith that our Trust in God grows. It’s by seeing that we really are okay, that we learn to trust our Lord.

A word on the outcome of Trusting God. When Jesus was here on earth, He did not promise that life would always be easy. In fact, He told us that in this world we “would have troubles”! But He also said, “I have overcome the world”! Our “outcome” in Trusting God may not always lead to an easy path, but it will Always Lead To A Good One 🙂

Can Mary Help Us? Yes!

Personally, I can’t tell you how much praying the Rosary has helped my Faith to grow. And when I talk with Mary after, I thank her not only for helping my faith to grow, but for allowing me to pray the Rosary!

Mary always points the way to her Son, Jesus. And Mary loves us like a Mother does. And because Mary was human; she truly understands how we feel and why we feel the way we do. She understands why we worry about family members and those we love, because she did too! She was very close to God, but she was human too!

She understands how life can be busy, because her’s was too!

And because she was so very obedient to God, she understands our desire to obey God as well!

And like any loving mother does, she warned us when we were headed for trouble. In both her appearance in Lourde and Fatima, and in Her appearance in Ecuador (Our Lady of Good Success)-Mary warned us of what would happen to our world if we did not turn back to God. She loves us and does not want us to suffer!

Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for Mary, a young girl, to have Jesus in a Manger? For many of us, we can well imagine just how difficult it would be to have a baby in a barn! There were no epidurals then, or any other pain relief! And she was so young!

Or how about Her flight to Egypt? Physically, that had to be so difficult. Being a Mom in today’s world is challenge enough, being Jesus’ Mom in yesterday’s world had to be truly difficult and more than we could even comprehend, much less do!

So when we ask her to pray for us, we can ask that we will grow in our faith and obedience, that we will be better mothers, that we will leave fear behind in favor of trusting God-Because Mary gets it – because She lived it :).

And because Mary loves us, She prays for us-always!

Thanking Angels :)

A friend sent me a reminder that we can also “do” for Angels and “thank” them for all they do 🙂

So what can we do, as human beings, do for angels? First of all, we can thank them! Second, we can pray fo them. At first glance, Angels seem so Holy, we can’t help but wonder why would they need our prayers? 🙂 But they do!

Pray that God will shower them with special blessings. Pray that God will give them a big hug! And we can ask our Father to let Angel’s know that they are greatly appreciated! 🙂

And We can especially thank our Father for our Guardian Angels! We are so Blessed to have them 🙂

Are Angels Real?


An Angel is simply God’s servant.  If He or She appear in our lives, it’s  because God sent them to help us.  Sometimes we see Angels in light; they are amazingly beautiful.  And sometimes we don’t even realize they are an Angel because they look just like us, lol.  Either way, they are God’s gift to us ?

If you see an Angel is light, you will know it.  They can be very large or small.  If you see an Angel, but it looks like us, you may not even realize the Angel is there.  And sometimes, we don’t see the Angel at all, but the Angel is there! 

Some say Pastors have two angels!  One to help them in their lives and one to help them in their service to the Lord ?

Sometimes Angels act as messengers from God.  We see this many times in the Bible, such as when an Angel appeared to Mary.  Some Angels take care of a certain church.  Some Arch Angels look after entire countries!

Angels understand the Bible and believe in our Lord.  They praise God and His Works.  And they obey God!

However, a word about “fallen angels”.  Even fallen angels believe in God, but they do not obey God.  We don’t want to be like that, lol!

A word about Guardian Angels.  The Guardian Angel is assigned by God to protect and guide a certain person, group or nation.  You may wonder then how a person dies with such awesome protection?  A person dies because there is only one way to Heaven.  We must leave this world for the next.  We go to Heaven when God decides.  Not a minute sooner, nor a minute later.  Angel’s are here to help us, but they are not here to circumvent or disobey God’s Will for us.

God’s Word on angels:

“For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” – Psalm 91:11 

My angel shall go before thee” – Exodus 32:34

“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some have unwittingly entertained angels” – Hebrews 13:2

“Are they not all ministering spirits ysent out to serve for the sake of those who are to zinherit salvation?” – Hebrews 1:14

If we see an angel, perhaps the most important thing to realize is that God sent the angels to us!  It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the amazing beauty of an angel.  But an angel is God’s Gift to us.  It’s important to thank the Giver! ?


Our Hope Is In Jesus Christ!

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of ethings not seen” – Hebrews 11:1

Hope is so very important. It’s what keeps us going, even when times are tough. And sometimes they can be very tough!

An old definition said it used to be defined as “a feeling of trust”. And it is :).

Many say that hope is a “precursor” to faith. We “hope” that Christ is with us and then we “believe He is! That is true as well 🙂

Our only hope for the future is to put our faith and trust in Jesus. He will not let us down and He WILL bring us to Heaven :). That’s the thing about God’s Promises, God Always Keeps Them! And that is why God created Rainbows: To remind us that this Promise, and all of His Promises, will be kept!

The Holy Spirit’s Temple

What is the “Holy Spirit’s Temple”?  It’s us ?. 

Charles Spurgeon referred to it as, “ the little temple of a sanctified heart”

First, Growing In The Holy Spirit:  Charles Spurgeon said the first and most important task of the Holy Spirit was to show us “the things of Christ”.  And we know that our Father sent the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter and Friend.  And He is ?

The Holy Spirit will help us to become more like Jesus!

And that is one reason why we want to keep His “Temple” as clean of sin as possible.  And “With God All Things Are Possible” ?.  It can help to think of it as keeping a room empty for the Holy Spirit to fill!  If our hearts are bogged down with sin and all that sin implies, the room for the Holy Spirit to fill us is much smaller!

For example, if we are busy coveting (wanting) things that actually belong to someone else, that takes up room in our hearts that would be so much better filled by the Holy Spirit!

As for Comforting ?.  In the most difficult of circumstances, the Holy Spirit can lift us up and out of the place we are in and fill us with the Joy and Peace that only God can give.  But we have to ask the Holy Spirit and we need to Practice ?

Second, The Holy Spirit And The Lost:  A word about the Holy Spirit and the lost sinner.  Charles Spurgeon once said that the Holy Spirit,  “shows Christ to the sinner, that Christ may be glorified in the sinner’s salvation”.  And Christ is!  How wonderful that the Holy Spirit is there for the lost too!

Third, the Saving Power Of The Holy Spirit:  We all have people that we care about that have not truly accepted Jesus as their Savior.  It is important to remember that while we may share the Joy and Peace we find in Jesus and the Comfort we find in the Holy Spirit and our Gratitude to the Father that is responsible for it all, it is ONLY the Holy Spirit that can bring a person to faith in Jesus Christ.

So plant the seed and then let it go.  We can share what Jesus has done for us, but bringing a person to faith is up to the Holy Spirit-not us!  And Thank God for that!  ?

And remember always, the Holy Spirit loves us too!