Avoiding Sin!

“For our transgressions are multiplied before thee, and our sins testify against us”

We all sin. And the only way to forgiveness for our sins is forgiveness through Jesus Christ. There is no other way.

But because God loves us, He sent the Holy Spirit to be in us. So each and every person who has accepted Jesus as their Savior has the Help of the Holy Spirit on their journey Home. One thing the Holy Spirit does for us, is He helps us to avoid temptation and warns us before we sin.

However, if we ignore the Holy Spirit’s warnings long enough, the Holy Spirit will stop warning us. And we can find ourselves living a life of sin and thinking that our choices are okay, but they are not. Sin is sin, whether we choose to believe it or not.

And the only one that defines sin is God.

However, because God loves us; He gave us His Word (The Holy Bible) so that we would be able to learn what choices are acceptable in God’s eyes 🙂

And the Holy Spirit teaches us as well!

This life is a journey. A journey Home. And the Holy Spirit is here to help us on that journey 🙂

So pray, “Holy Spirit please abide in me”, Thank You 🙂