“Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament,
And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever.” – Daniel 12:3
Daniel 12 tells us of a time to come; the end days and the end of time on earth. Believers love to dwell on the Heaven to come, non-believers who are not coming-don’t.
Going to Heaven will be amazing and we can’t wait ?. But we also want to bring as many with us as possible.
Even now, the darkness in our world is growing. Whether it be the growing number of wars, the falling of all that is moral and good, the growth of atheism and the occult or the adults who no longer protect the innocence of our children…darkness is spreading throughout our world.
We need to be the light that we were created to be! We need to share our Hope in the Lord, and our Faith that helps us to stay on the path. We need to keep loving God and we need to love His people-all of them.
No matter how bad their actions may appear, we were all born the same-loved by God. And because God loves each of us; He wants each of us to come Home to Heaven. Just like God, we can’t give up on anyone!
We need to practice being that “bright light” now so that we can share our Hope and Faith with others! ?