
Thank you!

“Believe what you do believe. or else you will never persuade anybody else to believe it.”-Charles Spurgeon

As we approach Christmas, our thoughts and our hearts go out to those we love that do not believe. We want to share our joy and our hope with them, but are sometimes unsure how we can do that.

The first step is to “Believe what you do believe”. We can’t share what we don’t truly have ourselves. So often we ask, how do we make our faith stronger? There are some steps that can help such as praying and reading the Bible.

But really the way lies in asking God to make our faith stronger. To give us that Gift so that we can share it with others. Jesus said in John 7:38, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” Jesus was referring to the Holy Spirit.

So ask the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ Name, for Help today 🙂