Sorry For Calling You A “She”. Really?

Today, I just wanted to share with you something that happened to me, because it took me completely by surprise and I was not ready!

Someone, very politely, apologized for referring to me as a “she”.  It felt so weird!

Now, I have to admit, somewhat guiltily, that I did not really respond to his apology.  I was taken totally by surprise.  I guess I shouldn’t have been, with all that is going on in our world, but I was.

But now I have had time to pray about it and I realize I do need to have a response to that type of comment ready, because it WILL happen again.

So here’s my response:  There’s no need to apologize.  God made me a “she” and a “she” I will always be.

And I am ready for the person who apologizes to me for calling me a “Mom”.  My response will be:  No need to apologize.  Being a Mom is the single, greatest Gift that God ever gave me and I am incredibly grateful.

Different people may have different answers, but get ready, because it IS coming.

And if you are not sure what to say, simply ask the Holy Spirit to answer for you, and He will ?

If We Believe…

“Believe what you do believe or else you will never persuade anybody else to believe it”-Charles Spurgeon

If we believe that Jesus is the only way to Heaven and the only Intercessor between us and God, shouldn’t we share that more?

While society puts pressure on everyone to keep quiet, is this not especially the time to share the Good News with all we meet?

Time IS growing shorter, let’s not miss out on our chance to bring someone new to Heaven with us 🙂

I’m Want To Say I’m Sorry!

Andrew Peterson sings a song, “I want to say I’m sorry” . And it is so honest. And whether it is God or someone in our lives that we wish to “say our sorry” to, sometimes it’s just hard, and sad. And sometimes, “finding peace” can take some time.

But there’s a verse that I especially love, “Wait upon the Lord”. It’s our human nature to want to fix everything immediately. Sometimes, it just doesn’t happen that quickly. But know this:

God loves you and that will never change. It may take more time than we wish to fix things on earth, but “Wait upon the Lord”, because if we are truly sorry, He will find a way.

And if it is God that we wish to say our “sorry” to, don’t wait, He forgives us immediately 🙂

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”-John 3:16

After all, He loved us so much He sent His Only Son to save us 🙂

God IS Fair!

17 “Yet your people say, ‘The way of the Lord is not just.’ But it is their way that is not just. 18 If a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, they will die for it. 19 And if a wicked person turns away from their wickedness and does what is just and right, they will live by doing so. 20 Yet you Israelites say, ‘The way of the Lord is not just.’ But I will judge each of you according to your own ways.”-Ezekiel 33:17-18

Charles Spurgeon once said, “Avoid a sugar coated gospel”. And he was right! How many times have we seen those who do as they wish and think it doesn’t matter? How many times have we done that ourselves?

It’s not that God will not forgive us for our sins. Through Jesus, He will. But to be forgiven, we do need to actually repent of our sins, not be proud of them!

Salvation is a wonderful Gift that God gave us. But that doesn’t mean that we get to do whatever we feel like, when we feel like it. And it doesn’t mean we get to abuse God’s Grace.

The Bible gives us a Roadmap on how to lives our lives. We don’t get to just ignore it on purpose and forever, and then count on God’s forgiveness. That would not be Fair-or Just.

And as Merciful as God is, He is also equally Just. The above verse from Ezekiel 33 is clear on that.

God is Merciful, but He will alway be equally Just!

Life Is Just So Much Better With God In It :)

“Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness.”-Isaiah 41:10

Not only is life better with God in it; it is also easier! We live in challenging times and our lives are going to get harder-whether we like it or not.

But Life is so much easier, when we are not alone! And when we are truly loved 🙂 With God with us, “nothing is impossible”.

We will never be alone unless we choose to be. For God loves us and will be will us-always 🙂

The Faithful Love Of Jesus :)

The Faithful Love of Jesus. Could there be anything better? Or anything that makes us feel safer? To be loved by Jesus, it truly is all that we need 🙂

We live in troubled times, but the Love of Jesus will really be enough to see us through.

And I pray that you find it 🙂

Hearing God’s Voice :)

I was concerned about writing on this topic.  After all, many think that only “special” people hear God’s Voice, but that is simply not true.

We are all capable of hearing God’s Voice.  It’s a Gift that God gives ?.  Sometimes it seems like a big, booming, Voice.  Sometimes it’s a “still, small Voice”.  But it matters not which, because they are both God’s Voice.

But it’s up to us to listen to it.  To focus on it.  And to obey it.

So how does one get to the place where one can hear God’s Voice?

A good start is a prayer journal.  It’s very simple. We just write our prayers in it and then go back and mark them when they are answered.  Yes, no… it matters not.  Just write down how God responded.  You will be amazed at how many times God said “Yes” ?

The next step is to “Focus”.  We can’t hear God’s Voice, if we never listen to it.  And let’s face it, with the pace of life today, how much time do we actually spend in prayer, in reading our Bible, and in listening for God’s response?

I know I am bad at this too; I always want to “talk” with God, but I also need to practice listening more. 

So what is the next step? Believing.  Sometimes we think we hear God’s Voice, but we are unsure, and so we hesitate-too long.  One thing that may help you be more sure is:  God will never tell you anything that violates the His Teaching in the Holy Bible. And in that way, you can be more sure that it’s okay to obey that “still, small Voice”. ?

And what is the last step? Practicing.  For example, if you think you hear God’s Voice telling you to do something and it does not violate the Bible’s Teaching. Try it and see the results ?. 

At first, It may just feel like a quiet nudge.  Perhaps it’s to visit an elderly neighbor who may be lonely, perhaps it’s to bring food to the hungry, and perhaps it’s just to say a warm Hi to someone at the grocery store.  But you will find as you “listen”; you will hear God’s Voice more often ?

And really, can there be anything better than hearing God’s Voice ?

Will America’s History Be “Lost”

As for the other events of Baasha’s reign, what he did and his achievements, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel?”-1 Kings 16:5

So we learned from yesterday’s story about Baasha that God became very angry with him for leading the people of Israel in both the worship of idols and in sinning against God.  And we know that God did punish Baasha.

But there may have been something more…

In the “annals of the Kings of Israel”, it seems that Baasha’s other achievements were written about.  But the “annals of the Kings of Israel” was “lost” and so is the history of Baasha’s other accomplishments.

Today, in America, history is being both destroyed and rewritten.  Will America’s achievements one day be a “lost book”?

What is the reason that America is not mentioned in Revelations?

We need to Pray now, while we can 🙂

Warning From Kings!

Is this also a warning for America?

“16 Then the word of the Lord came to Jehu son of Hanani concerning Baasha: “I lifted you up from the dust and appointed you ruler over my people Israel, but you followed the ways of Jeroboam and caused my people Israel to sin and to arouse my anger by their sins. So I am about to wipe out Baasha and his house, and I will make your house like that of Jeroboam son of Nebat. Dogs will eat those belonging to Baasha who die in the city, and birds will feed on those who die in the country.”

As for the other events of Baasha’s reign, what he did and his achievements, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel? Baasha rested with his ancestors and was buried in Tirzah. And Elah his son succeeded him as king.”

“7 Moreover, the word of the Lord came through the prophet Jehu son of Hanani to Baasha and his house, because of all the evil he had done in the eyes of the Lord, arousing his anger by the things he did, becoming like the house of Jeroboam—and also because he destroyed it.”-1 Kings 16:1-7

Baasha was the third king of Israel.  Although God had greatly Blessed him, he rejected God and led people away from God.  He also led them to worship other idols.  He led the people of Israel to sin against God; his evil was great.

Because of this, God took his “prosperity” away. His dynasty was ultimately destroyed and his son was assassinated.

Clearly, rejecting God did not go well for him!

Now flash forward to America today.  Has our nation been greatly Blessed and yet rejected the God who gave us such great Blessings?  Have our leaders led many in America to sin against God.

You decide.  It’s a choice given to you by God Himself ?.  But be aware, choices always have consequences.

Jesus’ Warning!

When Jesus returned to His hometown to preach; many people would not listen or believe.  And although Jesus had performed many miracles, they still would not believe. And He left.

In Matthew 10:15, Jesus talks about what the future will be like for “towns” that reject our Lord’s message:  15 Truly I tell you, it willl be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.”

Sadly, this reminds many of our country today.  America has been greatly Blessed by God, but in return our nation has rejected God and the Teachings of His Holy Bible.

For example, an article on Fox News says that the term “Founding Fathers” has been deemed so offensive, the Federal Reserve has advised employees to avoid using it.  The Federal Reserve has also advised employees to stop using “he” or “she”.  Our Founding Fathers, and all those who sacrificed their lives to create our great nation deserve so much better.

Our children are taught in schools that gay marriage is acceptable, when it is not acceptable in the eyes of God.  Unborn babies are murdered every day.  Our society itself has become so self-centered, how could it possibly truly love one another?  (After all it’s hard to claim you love someone when you are busy hurting them) And clearly, our nation does not put God first!

We can not as a nation expect to reject our Lord and the Teachings of the Holy Bible,  and yet expect His Blessing as a nation.

America was built on the values and traditions of Faith, Freedom and Family.  We have survived the many challenges that we have faced  because God always came first.

For those who believe in Jesus, the future has not changed. We are going Home to Heaven for forever. Watch, Prepare and Pray.  God loves you and will hear your prayers always ?

For those who do not believe, it may soon be too late ,so for your own sake, Seek and Accept Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit while you still can. God loves you 🙂