Our God Is Not A God Of Confusion!

There are many who love the Lord and yet support abortion and gay marriage, this is wrong.  But yet, there are some who love the Lord and continue to support it anyway because they believe they are right to do so. 

We all fall prey to sin at sometimes. Sometimes we recognize that sin right then and there, and sometimes we don’t. But other than ” blasphemy against the Spirit”, all sin can and will be forgiven through Jesus Christ.

And so we can pray to our Father and ask Him to show us any sinful behavior that exists in our lives, and ask forgiveness through His Son Jesus. 

We can ask the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to the truth.  Is there any conflict in this?  No.  Because we all want the truth.  And if we believe some actions to be right,  then there should be no fear in asking God for The truth.

But be prepared, because Truth by it’s very nature, can only have one answer.

Our God is not a God of confusions, if we ask Him to lead us and He will, because He loves us ?

Hell: A Warning!

Mary, The Lady of Fatima, gave us a picture of what Hell is really like because she loved us.  Because Jesus loved us.  They didn’t want us to go there, so they warned us of just how truly awful it would be!

Sister Lucia said:

 “As Our Lady spoke these last words, she opened her hands once more, as she had done during the two previous months. The rays of light seemed to penetrate the earth, and we saw as it were a sea of fire. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke now falling back on every side like sparks in huge fires, without weight or equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. (It must have been this sight which caused me to cry out, as people say they heard me). The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals. Terrified and as if to plead for succour, we looked up at Our Lady, who said to us, so kindly and so sadly: You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.” – Sister Lucia

Heaven is as real as the earth we stand on, but Hell is too.  It’s a fact we would be unwise to ignore.  Mary showed Hell to Sister Lucia for a reason, so that we could choose the path that would bring us happiness, because Jesus and Mary love us all that much!

Saint Patrick :)

Contrary to the belief of many, St. Patrick was not Irish, he was British.  He did not begin life as a devout Christian; but he became one.  At the end of his 6 year captivity in Ireland, instead of becoming bitter, he became devoted to our Lord Jesus Christ.  He had a dream in which he heard God tell him it was time to leave Ireland.  Walking 200 miles to the coast, he did.

He returned home to Britain and had another dream in which,

“And there verily I saw in the night visions, a man whose name was Victorius coming as it were from Ireland with countless letters. And he gave me one of them, and I read the beginning of the letter, which was entitled “The Voice of the Irish”; and while I was reading aloud the beginning of the letter, I thought that at that very moment I heard the voice of those who lived beside the wood of Folcut, which is nigh unto the Western Sea. And thus they cried, as with one mouth: “We beseech thee , O holy youth, to come and walk once more among us.” And I was exceedingly broken in heart, and would read no further. And so I awoke. Thanks be to God, that after very many years the Lord granted to them according to their cry”-St. Patrick

After he studied and became a priest, he returned to Ireland & the Irish people.  Which should perhaps teach us a great lesson, if we want to bring people to faith in Christ, we must love them first ?

There is another lesson that Saint Patrick taught us.  He taught us the importance of courage.  St. Patrick did not live in easy times.  Trouble lay around every corner.  Having been taken by Irish pirates and held captive for six years, he knew well the dangers of returning to Ireland.  But he did not let his fears stop him.  He loved Ireland and the Irish people, and he loved Jesus.  God Blessed him with the courage to return to Ireland, and because of his faith and courage, the Irish people received Jesus. 

We can ask God to Bless us with courage to, for whatever Jesus calls us to do.  And God will ?

The Catholic Church never actually canonized St. Patrick as a saint, but they do greatly honor his service to Jesus. And while, at the time, there were only a few Christians in Ireland, St. Patrick spread Christianity though out all of Ireland. 

St. Patrick was called the Patron Saint of Ireland by the people of Ireland.  Also known at the “Apostle of Ireland”,  his life of service to the people of Ireland and Jesus is celebrated every March 17th.  He is regarded by many as the Founder of Christianity in Ireland.

His courage and deep love for the Irish people made him a man the Irish could relate to and believe.  His determination to follow Jesus made him a “Saint” of the people, and much beloved by God.  ?

Why Does God’s Justice Appear Slow?

The answer to that question is: God’s Justice appears slow because it is slow, because He loves us.

It’s hard to watch all the evil that is happening in our world and not become frustrated. Many ask, “When will God put an end to it?”

Do not fear! God will put an end to all of the evil that plagues our world! But because God loves us so, He wants to give each person as much time as possible to repent. To be redeemed. And so His Justice is slow.

But it will happen! And when it does we will be deeply saddened, just as He is, for those who receive Justice rather than Mercy.

Fortunately, each person has a choice. They can choose God’s Mercy. Let’s pray they choose wisely 🙂

We Should Pray For All Of Our Brothers & Sisters in Christ!

Many of our African American brothers and sisters in Christ truly love the Lord.  They seek His Face as we do, and truly love His people, all of them, no matter their color.  I know that these days there are many “cancellations” and what amounts to racist behavior towards people of all colors.

But God does not love us or measure us by our skin color.  He loves us all; He always has and He always will ?.

And Jesus came to save us all, regardless of skin color.  He loves us all, no matter how we divide ourselves.  Jesus does not care about skin color, economics or political party.  He loves us-each of us, for who we are!  And for those of us who love the Lord, we spend our lives trying to love like Jesus does!

So today, let’s reach out to someone who is different from us.  We need to reach out with love and kindness to whomever God puts in our path-always… 🙂

The Poor and the Suffering: Are they Unfortunate or Blessed?

We all know someone who is suffering, and our heart goes out to them,  but God is Merciful & Just, Whatever they lack, God makes up in another way.

One of the ways that truly makes a very real difference in their lives is that many of those who suffer know well that they need the Lord.  They do not hesitate; they are never too busy; they reach out to God with their entire being. And God reaches out to them 🙂

Can we say the same?  Do we do the same?

Many of those who suffer are indeed Blessed.  More than we can imagine.  Because while they may suffer in this life; they will not in the next.

For they know that their need for Jesus is all to real.  And they don’t “think” they are going to Heaven-they know it ?

Gay, Lesbian & Transgender Adoption!

Recently heard in the news, one of America’s largest Christian adoption agencies has “made a settlement” to allow gay, lesbian and transgender couples adopt. But it has been reported that they are doing this only in one state. Which makes one wonder if they know what they are doing is wrong?

According to one article, they did this, at least in part, to “preserve their government funding.”

Releasing their statement, they tried to put a good face on it by claiming they were doing it to help children.

But is it helping children when we lead them away from God?

In Mark 9:42 it says, “If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.”

God is crystal clear in the Bible, Marriage should be between one man and one woman. Children deserve a Father and a Mother. And adoption agencies who claim to be Christian should obey God.

We Need Not Fear :)

“For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.”-Isaiah 60:2

It almost sounds like history is repeating itself!  Great darkness (evil) IS covering our world and even greater darkness (evil) IS covering our world’s people.  One has only to turn on the news or pick up a newspaper to see that.

But for those who have accepted Christ, His Light will be seen in us and Heaven awaits us.  We need not fear ?

Shine Christ’s Light :)

A friend of mine once told me, “Be careful how you live.  You may be the only Bible some people will ever read.” 

In Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

In a Bible Study on Isaiah 60, it says, “God’s people will have the Light of the Lord Jesus shining upon them in the midst of the great darkness. Sometimes the only light there is, is the Light of Jesus that the Christian shines forth.”

Whichever one you read, it seems clear that the Light of Christ shines in us.  And we need to share that Light with others.

There can be no doubt that a great darkness is coming, so don’t wait.  Practice shining Christ’s Light now ?

In a Bible Study on Isaiah 60, it says, “God’s people will have the Light of the Lord Jesus shining upon them in the midst of the great darkness. Sometimes the only light there is, is the Light of Jesus that the Christian shines forth.”

Whichever one you read, it seems clear that the Light of Christ shines in us.  And we need to share that Light with others.

There can be no doubt that a great darkness is coming, so don’t wait.  Practice shining Christ’s Light now ?