My Friends, Be At Peace :)

“How Could I Be Silent” is the name of a song by Nathan Tyler. How fitting for today!

“The lines between Heaven and Earth getting blurred.” is also in the song. And that is exactly what we need today. We need to grow so close to Christ that we have one foot in Heaven and one foot on earth.

We need to be so filled with the Holy Spirit that we can see the truth of the world around us.

We need to grow so close to our Father, that we are filled with the Peace that only He can give.

Christ is Risen! The war is already one! Be at Peace my friends 🙂

The Calm Before The Storm :)

Remember when Jesus came?  So many wanted Him to fix THIS world.  The Romans were taxing the people unfairly (not to mention too heavily).  The people were greatly persecuted.  For many years, Mary and Joseph had to raise Jesus basically on the run for their lives. The rulers were rich; the people were poor.  Very poor.  The “people” lived in a time of despair and persecution.  And that is not even the worst of it!

Enter Jesus.  Some of the people thought that the “Savior” would “fix” the world on earth, but Jesus came to show us the way to Heaven.  To pay the price for our sins, so we would not have to.

But for some, that was not enough.  They wanted Jesus to “fix” their current world. And so, sadly, they rejected Jesus.

“Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.”-John 15:20

Flash forward to today’s world.  Jesus didn’t come to fix our current world either.  He came to show us the way to Heaven and to pay the price for our sins.  And Thank God He did ?

The road is about to get very bumpy for those who truly follow Christ.  But Jesus will be with us, loving and supporting us, through every minute.  Do not fear, for no power on this earth can take Heaven from us.

Is God’s Final Judgement About To Begin?

Sadly, there can be no doubt that our nation has chosen Judgement. But is it the Final Judgement?

There are many who feel we live in the “End Times”.  And perhaps we do.

But there are also plenty of examples of when God passed Judgement on a Nation, but it was not yet the “End Times” (The times talked about in Revelations).

So what is a Follower of Jesus to do?

Remember that repentness and forgiveness is always available through Jesus Christ.

Live as if Jesus is coming today.  Get ready.  Watch, Prepare and Pray.

Because whether it is A Judgement or THE Final Judgement-serving God must come First and our call is still the same.   ?

The Battle Belongs To God!

Lyrics (Song by Brian Johnson / Phil Wickham):

When all I see is the battle, You see my victory
When all I see is the mountain, You see a mountain moved
And as I walk through the shadow, Your love surrounds me
There’s nothing to fear now for I am safe with YouSo when I fight, I’ll fight on my knees
With my hands lifted high
Oh God, the battle belongs to You
And every fear I lay at Your feet
I’ll sing through the night
Oh God, the battle belongs to YouAnd if You are for me, who can be against me? Yeah
For Jesus there’s nothing impossible for You
When all I see are the ashes, You see the beauty
Thank You, God
When all I see is a cross, God, You see the empty tombSo when I fight, I’ll fight on my knees
With my hands lifted high
Oh God, the battle belongs to You
And every fear I lay at Your feet
I’ll sing through the night
Oh God, the battle belongs to YouAlmighty fortress, You go before us
Nothing can stand against the power of our God
You shine in the shadow, You win every battle
Nothing can stand against the power of our GodAn almighty fortress, You go before us
Nothing can stand against the power of our God
You shine in the shadow, You win every battle
Nothing can stand against the power of our GodAn almighty fortress, You go before us
Nothing can stand against the power of our God
You shine in the shadows, You win every battle
Nothing can stand against the power of our GodSo when I fight, I’ll fight on my knees
With my hands lifted high
Oh God, the battle belongs to You
And every fear I lay at Your feet
I’ll sing through the night
Oh God, the battle belongs to YouOh God, the battle belongs to

“Choose You This Day Who You Will Serve”-Joshua 24:15

There are many politicians calling to “unite the country” and unity is good and it is important. But the government is not God, God is.

And one of the problems we face is, that this country used to be united by faith, but it’s not anymore. And if our country continues its’ efforts to eliminate God from our country and the public square, it will continue to struggle. 

This really has nothing to do with President Trump. But rather, “will we, as a country, serve God first, or will we, as a country, do our best to eliminate God from the public square?” This is the real issue.

Gay marriage, transgenderism, the support for the murder of millions of unborn babies, ending prayers with aman and awoman, atheism, satanism, a culture that rejects our Lord, the list is endless.  And those who truly follow Christ and the Bible will  never support any of these.

Forgive, yes.  Forgiveness is always available for those who repent.  But support for goals that opposes God’s Will-never.

The Bible says:

“Choose you this day who you will serve”-Joshua 24: 15

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”-Matthew 6:24

Choose Heaven or Hell.

Choose God or Judgement.

But Choose Wisely because it’s a choice that lasts forever!

Sharing Our Faith :)

“Believe what you do believe, or else you will never persuade anybody else to believe it.”-Charles Spurgeon

If we truly believe in Jesus and all that the Bible teaches us; why wouldn’t we share it?

For those who are not Christian, many do not understand. They think that Christians are “pushing” their faith on them. But the reality is that is not unlike winning the lottery and knowing where another winning ticket can be found! Of course, we should share it!

Christians are going to Heaven and they simply want to share their good fortune and a “ticket” so someone they love can get there too!

To have a “ticket” to Heaven and not share it is selfish! As Christians, we have to share it :). And if we truly believe in Jesus and all that He said, we will.

My One Safe Place :)

A fellow Christian asked on line yesterday, “what do we do now?”  Clearly, America is not what it used to be.

Andrew Peterson has a song called “My One Safe Place”.  In the song, he sings, “You are my oasis in the eye of the hurricane”.  God IS our One Safe Place.  We need to run, not walk, to His Shelter.

And we need to Pray.  Even when we don’t “feel” like it.  Especially when we don’t “feel” like it.  And a prayer can be as simple as “Help, In the Name of Jesus”.  And that is enough.  Another great prayer is also very simple, “Thank you, In the Name of Jesus”.

We also need to look for the beauty in our world-and find it.  Because God created it.  The smile of a child.  A hug from someone we love.  The love of a mother and a father, a wife and husband, a child.  The laugh of a grandmother or grandfather.  A phone call from a friend.  A letter from someone we care about. The sun sparkling on the water creating a million lights.  The beauty of nature.  The list is endless and it is still here…

And we can be kind, especially to each other. We can smile at one another. Carry the groceries for someone elderly or sick. Reach out to a neighbor. Reach out to a stranger. Love God and Love one another.

And share the Gospel with those who want to hear the Good News. There are many searching for something to believe them, help them find the way.

America may have changed, but being a Christian has not.

Our Father is still here and He loves us.  Jesus is still here and He still saved us.  And the Holy Spirit is still here to help us. 

Despite appearances, we need not fear, for God is here and He is with us!

Don’t Let Anger Win!

Ending their prayer for the opening of the “new” congress with Amen awoman, our nation has chosen its path:  Judgement.

This year, it will be difficult not to become angry with some of the actions we are forced to witness.  We will be angry at the lack of respect of our Lord, the mistreatment of good people, the laws passed by Congress… and so much more…

But as the Lord says in Romans 12:19, “ Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord”  We need not “get even”, in the end, God will see that Justice is done.

But that still leaves the emotion of our anger to deal with.  What can we do with that? We can ask our Father in Jesus’ Name to lighten that burden, for it is too heavy for us to carry.  And we can consciously work at remembering to pity those who do not follow Christ.  For when we truly think about it, one day in Hell is too long.  Imagine an eternity?   It’s not a fate we would wish anyone.,,

So when anger fills your heart, justified or not, empty it.  Remember that steady determination will accomplish much more than uncontrolled anger.  Instead, shift your focus.  Focus on your future in Heaven and on Jesus who will bring us there.  Focus on the natural beauty of the world that God created for us.  Focus on those you love.

Ask God in Jesus’ Name for the Peace that only He can give.  Ask the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Name for Help.  Pray Always, especially when you don’t feel like it.

As the saying goes, “Never Give Up & Never Give In”.  If we fall, and we will, with Christ’s Help, GET UP!  We KNOW where we are going.  And we KNOW how to get there.  Follow Jesus.  Trust God. And we will meet in Heaven-together 🙂