Everyone is afraid of something!

Personally, I am terrified of going to the dentist.  Break a foot, have a heart problem, or any number of diseases, and I do not worry.  But the dentist terrifies me, lol.  I guess everyone is afraid of something!  For me it’s the dentist.  So when I broke my tooth; I was not happy!  And like anything else I am worried about, I ran to our Lord and asked for His help.

And as always, He gave it, and then some! ?

You see, not only did I need to go to the dentist, but the next day I was planning to travel to visit with a Sister in Christ who is very dear to me.  I was worried about going to the dentist, but even more worried that they would pull my tooth and I wouldn’t be able to visit with her!

But God is good, always!  And as usual He gave me even more than I needed.  Not only did I survive the appointment, but the dentist decided it could wait until the next week to be fixed!  What a Blessing!  I could still visit with my Sister in Christ.  Did God fix my tooth, no.  But He did provide for me a wonderful, compassionate dentist and a visit with my friend!

God may not always give us exactly what we want, but He always gives us exactly what we need!  So if you are afraid of anything or worried about something, Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things ?

Pray Without Ceasing!

Sometimes we just don’t feel like praying.  Especially if we feel our prayers have not been answered “Yes”.  But the truth is, sometimes God’s answer is “Not Yet”, or even “No”.  Why is that? Why doesn’t God just give us what we want?

Sometimes because what we want, is not what we need.  And sometimes because it would not be good for us right now.

But don’t give up on praying!  As my Pastor, Pastor Richburg says, “Prayer Changes Things”.  Although God may not always give us what we want, He will always give us what we need!

Can You Really Go Overboard With God?

Popular culture today says Yes.  Popular culture says we should not mention your faith or Jesus in polite discussion.  But what does the Bible say?

The Holy Bible says that Jesus said we must love the Lord our God with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all our minds.

So can we really follow Christ’s command and go overboard in loving and serving Christ?  Should we not be talking about our Lord? Should we not share our faith?

I guess it depends on what is more important to us-popular culture or God’s Word.

Being Friends With God

Being friends with God is a lot like being friends with anyone else-only better 🙂  What does it require?   Spending time, building trust, sharing our good days and our bad ones.  And it requires honesty.

God made us!  So it’s okay to be less than perfect, because God already knows that we are.  And it’s okay to share our true feelings, the good, the bad and the ugly, because God made our feelings too!

God understands it all, and loves us as we are!  We don’t need to pretend with God, we just need to spend time with Him 🙂

Mary, Mother of Jesus


As a mother, I have always been awed by the love that Mary must have had for God. It’s hard for me to imagine how difficult it must have been for Mary to watch her son, Jesus, suffer so. But she did. And she did it with a courageous and selfless love and faith that has inspired mothers throughout our world for more than 2,000 years. As a mom, I will always be deeply grateful for Mary’s faith, love and selfless sacrifice.

But how often do Protestants and Catholics disagree on whether people should pray to Mary.  But when one truly looks at both sides, they agree more than they disagree.  Because we are not praying to Mary as if she is God, but rather we are asking Mary to pray for us!

Jesus loves Mary.  She’s His Mother.  Think of how we love our mother.  And then think of how Jesus must love His mother!  And think of God.  God does not make mistakes!  And God chose Mary to be Jesus’ mother, because she was so amazing!   As much as God loved His Son, He would have chosen for Him the best possible mother.   Is it really any surprise that when Mary asks the Lord to intervene, He does?

I could never be as brave or selfless as Mary was, but I can pray to be as brave and selfless as I can be.  I think of her so often.  How young she was, how brave she was and how much she suffered for us.  I know that if my son had to go through all the pain that Jesus did, I would not be strong  enough to stand and watch it as she so selflessly did, to give Jesus what comfort she could.  She was willing to suffer so much, so that we might have a Savior who would take us all to Heaven.  And that, is a really special gift!  How can one not be grateful to Mary?

I ask Mary to pray for me all the time and I can’t wait to meet her in Heaven!  And as my Pastor, Pastor Richburg says, Prayer Changes Things ?