Prayer To The Holy Spirit!

Sometimes it can be hard to find the words to pray to the Holy Spirit, and yet it is so critically important, especially right now. Below is a prayer that is easy to say every day 🙂

Prayer to the Holy Spirit:

“O Holy Spirit, Beloved of my soul, I adore you. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me and console me. Tell me what I ought to do and command me to do it. I promised to submit to everything that You ask of me and to accept all that you allow to happen to me. Just show me what is Your will, O Holy Spirit.”

To be “enlightened” is to see all that is around you through the Holy Spirit’s eyes. To see it how it actually is. Something we can all use, especially right now.

To ask for guidance and strength is simply asking the Holy Spirit to tell us what to do in each situation, and for the strength to do it.

To console us is to ask the Holy Spirit to comfort us in all things. We ask the Holy Spirit to let us know that we are making the choice that God would have us make. And we are also asking the Holy Spirit to comfort us in hard times.

It can be quite a relief to have the Holy Spirit “command” us to do something, anything. I don’t know about you, but half the time I am praying and trying to figure out what God would have me do. To have the Holy Spirit “command me” is a great gift, not to mention a great relief lol.

If we pray the above prayer every day, it WILL help us 🙂

Pray That We Are Not Blinded. Call On The Holy Spirit NOW!

Sadly, apostasy lives in the hearts of many. Now.

In the last days, many will be blinded. Unable to see the Truth of the Holy Spirit, and many will falter. In fact, we see many are already blinded. Please pray for each other that each will see the Truth, and we need to pray for ourselves every day that we will see the Truth.

Sadly, even some churches which are supposed to lead us to Jesus, seem to be leading many astray. But there is one sure way to see God’s Truth. With the Holy Spirit’s Help, we need to read God’s Word for ourselves.

There is only one God, and He had only one Son, and our God is not a God of confusion. The Holy Spirit is THE Spirit of Truth. We need to ask for His guidance right now!

The choices are getting harder and they will get even harder. If any of us do not see that, we need to ask the Holy Spirit to see the world as it is, not as we wish it were.

Call on the Holy Spirit NOW, while there is still time!

“Holy Spirit Come”

Pray For Israel Today!

October 7th, 2023 was a horrifically evil day, which today we remember. But what we also need to remember is that it did end. God is here and He is moving. May He move in us!

It’s hard to believe that so many countries have now turned against Israel. It’s hard to believe that evil exists and is growing in so many people. But we have to let that evil be taken care of by God. That does not mean that we do not stand up for Israel or what is right. It simply means that we do not allow anger and hate to fill our heart. God can not guide us when we are filled with anger and so we have to let it go.

However, there is also a quote from a great statesman that says, “The only thing needed for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.”. How many of us are doing nothing? Governments can stand by Israel. People can Pray For Israel. We can send donations and food. We can love them as God has commanded us. It’s our choice!

The Word of God says, “I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”-Genesis 12:3

If Israel is not Blessed by us, will our families be Blessed?

We can not control what governments do, but we can control what we do.

Pray for Israel today!

Our Hope & Our Help Comes From The Lord!

I met a woman today. She told me she felt the world was falling apart. She can’t find a job. Her rent has been raised to a ridiculous $2,700, and they have to move because of the increase. She really touched my heart. She was really nice and had some very real problems.

What can we say to people in that situation. One thing we can do is offer to pray for them. God is still in the business of miracles. He gives us wonderful Gifts-if we let Him. He leads us out of the mire and into a place filled with His Grace-if we let Him.

Jesus calls upon us to loves others. While praying for each other remains the most important gift that we can give, we can also give groceries too! And we can one of the most precious Gifts that God gave us-our Time.

Too many in our country can no longer afford basic necessities, but our Hope and our Help comes from the Lord. And God is always willing to Help us with both our earthly problems and our spiritual ones, just ask Him, because He loves us!

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!

Using God’s Gifts!

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”-Psalm 4:23

How do we “guard” our heart and reach out to the lost? The answer is not easy. Some will reach out to the lost because God is guarding their heart and they know that 🙂

But God has much work that needs to be done. Helping those affected by the flood. Giving sermons. Acting as a mentor. Being a friend. Watching over and teaching children. Being a parent. Cooking for those who are in need. Helping the poor…There are so many ways that we can help and support others!

One Gift is not better than the others. But while we are “giving”, we also need to make sure that we are maintaining our own faith in Jesus!

God has given us each Gifts. We just need to find ours and use it!

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!

Those Who Serve Christ Have Often Suffered!

So many times we forget that many who served Christ did suffered much. And all but one of the apostles were put to death. In addition, many of the early Christians were persecuted.

We do not need to be afraid of suffering. God has promised,

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.”-Isaiah 41:10

No matter what gets thrown at us, God’s Got Us!

No Matter How Difficult Our Days Are, God’s Got Us!

“Know that God holds you and will carry you through whatever comes next. Even when you don’t know what’s next. He holds you, even when you have made a terrible mess of things. He can even use our mistakes. He can put us back on the right path. He looks at us and Loves us! He holds you, even as you face suffering and hardship. Even when you don’t understand. Especially when you don’t understand. What an AWESOME Lord we have!! Amen”-A Faithful Servant of Christ

Sometimes life can just seem a mess. Sometimes the pain of it all just seems to much! But there is a Safe Place we can go. God is our Safe Place. And He will always welcome us with a heart filled with love!

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!

When Pain Overwhelms Us!

“Have you been taught to think that “good” Christians don’t allow all their real hurt, turmoil, and confusion to be seen and known before bringing your heart to the Lord? NOT true! God’s Word in Psalms reminds us that we can lament to God and allow ALL our raw emotions to pour out before Him without questioning His character. There IS NO emotion that God cannot handle. Jesus has felt ALL those things and suffered in those same ways! Do NOT try to hide from our Father! He IS our Shield and our Refuge!! Amen. “-Servant of Christ

We all have seasons of suffering some time in our life. A person we love dies or falls ill; we fall ill; someone we love very much leaves our life; our children are suffering or sick, the list is endless. Sometimes the sadness so overwhelms us; we just can’t handle the pain of it! That is the time we need to cry “Daddy Help”. God loves us, He will never fail to answer an honest cry for help!

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!

The Answer To All Suffering: Jesus

There is all kind of suffering.

There is physical suffering. Sometimes it’s an injury. Sometimes it’s an illness. Sometimes it’s the loss of ability such as the loss of the leg, blindness, deafness… There’s all kinds.

There is also emotional suffering. Perhaps the loss of a loved one. No matter how they are gone, they are gone from our life. Perhaps someone we love very much is sick. Perhaps it is regret, we so wished we had done something different or treated God or someone better. Perhaps we have been caught in one of the horrific wars happening and we are desperately worried about the welfare of someone we love.

There is also mental suffering. Perhaps our brain does not work as well as it was meant to. Perhaps we are completely stressed out trying to find a solution to a problem we or someone we love faces. Or perhaps our budget just won’t stretch any further and we just can’t figure out how to provide for those we love.

The wonderful thing about our faith in Jesus Christ is that the answer to all of these problems is still the same: Turn to Jesus.

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!