Psalm 83: A Prayer For Times Of War

“Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.  They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.  They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.  For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee”  Psalm 83: 1-5

According to some, Psalm 83 is “is generally seen as a national lament provoked by the threat of an invasion of Israel by its neighbors.”  But it can also be prayed against all threats by those who “hate” God.  And sadly, there are those who do.  And they “hate” all those who truly follow Jesus. 

And there are different types of war. A war to protect our nation from invaders. To protect our souls from any who would lead us away from God. A war against sin and temptation. A war within ourselves as we struggle to choose God over all things :).

Many wars are led by the evil one, for evil has always hated good; just as darkness has always hated the light.  It always will. 

The picture attached is from Auschwitz, need more be said? That evil will stop at nothing and stoop to any level is a lesson we should have learned during WWII, but we didn’t.  And we know what they say about those who “fail to learn from the lessons of history”, they are “doomed to repeat them.”

But we DO have a choice, given to us by God Himself.  That is what freedom is, a choice.  We can choose the slippery slope away from God and all that is good or we can choose to follow Jesus to Heaven itself 🙂

We can choose to protect our souls and hearts from those who would mislead us and put our entire focus on Jesus 🙂

And always remember, we can ask God for Help, in all circumstances!  We are His children and He loves us.  He will answer our prayers, if we pray in the Name of Jesus.

And if we are unwilling to pray in the Name of Jesus, then we have only ourselves to blame for the end result. 

For no power on this earth can stop prayer ?

Vaccinated Versus Unvaccinated: Love The Neighbor :)

There are those who have claimed that God has an opinion on this. Personally, I do not know what God’s opinion might be.

But I do know this. Jesus’ command to love one another did not come with a statement such as : if they are vaccinated.

During WWII, the Jewish people were used by Hitler as his “scapegoat” for the terrible economy. He used the media with great success to portray the Jewish people as the reason for every suffering in Germany. And although we all know this to be untrue, he was able to convince millions simply with his use of propaganda and the media.

Flash forward to today. The government seems to be using propaganda and the media once again to successfully use the unvaccinated as scapegoats for all of our hardships and suffering.

And many governments, including our own, are persecuting Christians through out the world!

We do not have to allow them to succeed in their efforts. Christ has commanded us to love one another-do not let any government teach you any differently!

The government seems to want to be your god, don’t let them! We already have God, Our Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! And that is all that we need and all we should have!

A Word About The Cost Of Removing Our Children From Public School!

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6: 19-21

Removing our children from public school is costly! And having to discuss how our families will afford this choice is a necessary family conversation. But a conversation that needs to start with the idea that “God gave us these children. They are a Gift from God, and our first and foremost responsibility in this life is to do our very best to raise them to know Jesus Christ and to Follow Him”.

No doubt, private school have become very expensive! And if churches actually hope to have future congregations, then they need to return to making attendng a Christian school-affordable. But attending private school is one available option, albeit an expensive one.

In past years, homeschooling was very difficult. That is not so now. There are many inexpensive internet programs available. Some of these programs even offer associate college degrees upon graduation from “their” high school.

There are also many home school groups that help! And they offer a number of opportunities for kids to socialize 🙂

So the real question is, how do we afford it when they are young? Does one parent need to stay home, because they can not stay home alone, nor can they home school themselves! And this is when it can become very difficult because the choices can become very difficult. Does a family need to give up their house and rent somewhere cheaper? A difficult decision, but sometimes a needed one. Do we choose to have one television, instead of two? Do we have to choose used furniture instead of new? Do we need to have one car, instead of two? None of these are easy choices.

But if it means being able to protect our children, if it means they will never be forced into the bathroom with a person of the opposite sex, if it means they will stay innocent a while longer and live a faith-filled life in Jesus Christ-then it is worth it!

Is It Time To Protect Our Children And Pull Them Out Of Public Schools?

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” – Matthew 18:6

Recently, CBN wrote an article about the new common core standards for sex education in public schools.  I have put two excerpts from their article below and the entire article can be read with this link:  CBN

“The new standards advocate for abortion, requiring teachers to tell sixth graders about it. It also compels ninth-grade teachers to provide information about local abortion clinics to their students.  The transgender agenda plays a strong role in these lessons which urges that children should be allowed to choose their own gender identity, and any pronouns they select to be identified by must “be respected by the adults in their lives.”—CBN

The standards require that children as young as kindergarten should learn about gender identity. Third graders are taught that gender is on a spectrum. Other topics include lessons about hormone blockers for transgender youth and how to “explain” masturbation”-CBN

Clearly, these standards violate God’s Teachings!  The question really is, “can a child who is taught these standards starting at Kindergarten withstand the onslaught from teachers against their faith”.  And I think the answer is:  Doubtful.

Once a child enters first grade, they spend more of their waking hours at school then they do with their parents.  When children are very young, they believe anything their teacher says, even when it conflicts with what we are teaching them at home. 

Even when children simply mishear their teacher in, for example math, they continue to think that 2 +3=4 (if they think their teacher said that) no matter what we say at home.  Young children believe what their teachers teach them and that is why the content of what teachers teach is so very important.

A good education without faith is useless.  The most important thing we can ever teach our child is:  Faith in Jesus Christ.  All else is useless without it.  And these new standards violate what we are teaching at home and what is taught in the Holy Bible.  Period.

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6

This is the lesson our children need to learn ?

God Gives Good Gifts To His Children :)

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”-Matthew 7:11

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows,” 1 Chronicles 16:11-12.

But in order to receive God’s Gifts, we need to see them and accept them!

A Rainbow, a beautiful reminder of God’s Promises Kept.  An amazing sunset.  The sea, the mountains, a beautiful field…God gives us many Gifts in beauty and nature. 

A hug, a smile – at especially the right time, a chance encounter with a new friend, a visit from a loved one, someone we love returning home…

Someone healed, someone saved, someone returning from war…

A deeper Faith, to love God more, to share our faith…

The list is endless…

We ask God for encouragement, and He sends it.  We ask God for a loved one to be healed, and He heals them.  We ask Him for help and He sends a hug…We ask Him to send the Holy Spirit, and He does?

We ask, God answers, because He loves us!  ?

Jesus IS A Friend Of Sinners And So Should We Be :)

“On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”-Mark 2-17:18

“Master, which is the great commandment in the law?  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”- Matthew 22: 36-40

“But if you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin, though you yourself will be saved.”-Ezekiel 33:9

Despite our best efforts, we all sin.  But clearly, Jesus loves the sinners and came to help them and to save them (fortunately for us ?).  Jesus ate with sinners and He spent time with them. He healed sinners and and He talked with them. And perhaps most important, He shared the Truth with them.  He didn’t just love them; He showed them that He loved them!  Just as He does for us now ?

Notice Jesus showed them how much He loved them AND He shared the Truth with them.  He didn’t tell those that sin, that they could do whatever they felt like, but He also did not stop loving them if they failed to obey.

And in this, Jesus gives us a great example to follow.  The Bible says what it says.  We can’t change it just to be more popular with others or make others feel better about and justified in their sinful choices.  In fact, to lead them astray that way is just wrong! We are obligated to share the Truth of God’s Word.

On the other hand, it is up to the Holy Spirit to Convince them of the Truth of the Bible and it’s up to the sinner to accept the Truth of God’s Word.  And It’s our job to keep loving them, whether they accept the Truth or not.  For Christ’s command to us did not say “Thou shalt love thy neighbors as thyself”-if they do as we say ?

The Need For Penance

In the recent movie, Our Lady of Fatima, we hear Mary talk about the need for penance. She says that “God is much offended”. In Her final message, Mary said,  “Do not offend the Lord our God anymore, because He is already so much offended.” (1917)

Can you imagine how much God is offended now?

In Our Lady of Lourdes, Mary’s clear message was the need for penance. Not just for ourselves, but for all sinners. (1858)

But as human beings, we don’t like penance. Sometimes we don’t even realize – we need penance. It seems so old-fashioned, so “out of style”. But it’s not. Better to do penance now, then suffer later!

And we may suffer now more than we realize, for sin creates distance between us and God, and creates guilt-whether we realize it or not.

And that is why Repentance & Penance are so very important. They brings us back to God and free us from guilt, but we need both!

Repentance is simply a sincere regret for sin and a willingness to change. And penance is simply “any act or set of actions done out of repentance for sins”. It could be prayer, selfless acts, fasting…

Jesus did indeed already pay the price for our sins, without His Great Sacrifice, we could not enter Heaven. However, Repentance and Penance are still required.

But one thing we all need to realize? We all sin. Repentance and Penance are truly gifts. Gifts that free us from guilt and brings us closer to God once again. Something we all want, so thank you Jesus for providing us a way and thank you Mary for always pointing the way to your Son 🙂

Self-Confidence Versus God-Confidence :)

At sometime, we all struggle with self-confidence. We just do.

But life is much easier and happier when we put our Faith in God instead of ourselves. We may not be able to do anything, but God can!

Whether it is a certain relationship or obtaining a certain job, driving accross country or dealing with illness…We may not feel confident in our own ability, but we can feel confident in God’s abilities. And whether we do everything right or do everything wrong, if it’s God’s Will, it Will happen-no matter what 🙂

So here is the key: simply ask God, in Jesus’ Name, that God’s will be done in our life.

For what in what appears to be a crisis in self confidence, is more often an unwillingness to accept God’s Will for our lives. And that, with prayer, we can “fix”.

So if we are struggling with that, all we need to do is to remember that God loves us and knows all our tomorrows 🙂

The Road To God’s Promise :)

A friend of mine sent me this photo. It was just so perfect! What’s really interesting about this Rainbow in particular though is that it clearly separates what is dark from what is light.

And that is exactly what will happen at the end. If we are following Jesus, we will be filled with the light of the Holy Spirit. But if we are not, we will be filled with darkness.

Only those who believe in Jesus and follow Him will be filled with the light of the Holy Spirit and enter Heaven.

It’s our choice, given to us by God Himself 🙂