In Isaiah 61, we read about Christ’s coming. His first coming, which of course, as we know, did come true ? We read about what His ministry will be like. And we read of God’s Mercy and His Justice.
As we prepare for Christmas and the celebration of Christ’s birth, we are grateful that Christ came for us, for without His willingness to suffer in our place, we would not be covered by God’s Great Mercy, we would be facing God’s Great Justice…
Isaiah 61 was written about 700 years before Christ was born and John was written about 90 years after the Death and Resurrection of Christ :). At Great Cost, God Saved us, because He loved us so!
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” -John 3:16.
There are many prophecies of Christ’s coming, but Isaiah 61 is one. Seven hundred years before Jesus was born. Below is a link to a list of 55 prophecies of Christ’s birth, His ministry, Death & Resurrection and His role in the church:
Jesus Film:
Jesus is real! Follow Him 🙂
This Christmas we celebrate His birth and the Love God has for us. We celebrate the willingness of Mary and Joseph to follow God’s Will no matter the cost. And we can celebrate Christmas best by doing the same ?