Wear A Cross . As a Believer, we need to think about how we are encouraged when we meet someone who is wearing a Cross. When we meet someone who is wearing a Cross, we know that they Believe. It’s kind of like meeting someone who is in the same “club”. We know right then and there, we are on the same path-together. We can give that to other Christians as well.
And we can offer words of encouragement as well as a smile. Sometimes just a kind word or smile is all it takes. A “that dress is so pretty” or “can I help you with those groceries”. A genuine smile in the grocery story. A “Hi, how’s your day going?”
Or sometimes we run into someone who is struggling, and we really don’t have any answers. A hug is all we can offer, but a hug can make all the difference
Or how about just Thanking someone. We thank God all the time and we should. But we can also thank others who cross our path. A thank you for the seemingly smallest things can make a very real difference in someone’s day, and in our own.
Jesus said, “what you do for the least of these, you do for me”. As Christians, we are grateful for all Christ has done for us, these little acts of encouragement and kindness can be our gift to Jesus