A good friend sent me this, it was so good, just had to share 🙂
“The closer one is and returns to God, become more aware of who God is, God is not, We are limited to time, God is not, future when His Justice fully granted, His Thought,
For evil and suffering are gone, is as real as the present, what He knows accomplish, Through suffering for His Glory, our good, not just possibility but True, in All Fullness.
Know that no evil will go forever unpunished, God is Just, He shall bring every deed, Into judgment, include every hidden thing, whether it is good, evil, be certain indeed,
His Word tells us, that the wages of sin is death, but God in His Grace is postponing, His Full and Final Judgment against evil, God is Merciful, God is Grace in extending.
Kindly granted His Children, additional time, respond, share with others Good News, That His Son, Jesus Christ paid the death penalty, for all who will give up own views,
Believing in themselves, instead of placing their faith in Him, the Joy in His Presence, To repent, to let go of the world and their old ways, accept Jesus in their every sense.
God is not without His Purpose, His Will, on the cross, Jesus suffered the worst pain, In history, yet this event will be at the Center of His Mercy and Grace, forever remain,
God is All-knowing, used the most terrible, for our Eternal Good, by His Resurrection, His Story needs told, for His Holy Spirit to stir hearts, sharing His Light, His Salvation”