I had the privilege of watching the church service at a Ukranian chuch, The Monastery, St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery. The service taught me so much about being grateful. I read many of the comments of the people attending who have suffered SO much and yet they were Thanking God and Praising Him. We could learn much from them!
Even in the midst of no power and freezing cold. With bombs and missles raining down on them and their homes destroyed. Ukranians were Thanking God and Praising Him. What a wonderful lesson for all of us!
The Blessed Virgin Mary has also always had a very special relationship with the people of Ukraine. Dating back to the very first century, the Ukranian people have turned to Our Blessed Mother for protection. And in their darkest ours asked her to lay protective veil over them to protect them. To this day, many of the people of Ukraine wear that same scarf of protection.
Referred to as the Queen of Ukraine, Our Blessed Mother’s love for the people of Ukraine and the love of the people of Ukraine for Mary have always been well known. Would that America might someday be the same someday 🙂
St. Michael the Archangel has also had a very special relationship with the people of Ukraine. St. Michael the Archangel is known as the Patron Saint of Ukraine. The coat of arms of Ukraine has had St. Michael the Archangel on them since the 16th century. “A bronze and gold statue of the Archangel Michael stands above the Liadsky Gate in Independence Square in Kyiv” and “The Archangel Michael was honored in battles against enemies of Christianity, such as the Mongols and Tartars. His image was also used on the flag of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen in 1914, and by the Ukrainian National Republic and Ukrainian Galician Army during the revolutionary years of 1917–1923”. A Golden Domed Monastery was built to honor him. (see above photo).
There are so many times that the people of Ukraine have honored St. Michael the Archangel for his service and protection. He loves the Ukranian people and they have loved him. St. Michael the Archangel served and protected the people of Ukraine. He will always be there for them. Always.
Many of the Ukranian people continue to praise and thank God despite their tragic circumstances. We could learn so much from them.
But there are some who have lost their faith due to the horrific circumstances they live and fight in. Please pray for them!!!
Whether the United States should fund the Ukranian war has become a political issue, but there are no politics in prayer.
Please pray for the people of Ukraine in Jesus’ Name-all of them!