Act Justly And Love Mercy!

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.”-Micah 6:8

We live in a time when people seem to really hate each other. One has only to look at all of the wars that are currently taking place or about too, to see just how much! It takes a certain kind of hate to kill another human being or to make them suffer as so many have suffered. And one has only to look at the horrific behavior on America’s college campuses or the anti-semitic behavior on our own streets.

God taught us to “act justly and to love mercy”. We don’t actually have to agree with a person in order to choose to “act” as God has taught us. Every human being is capable, with God’s Help, of acting justly and with mercy. And every human being is deserving of justice and mercy.

We need to remember that always and act accordingly!

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