Happiness Is A Choice

Sometimes life is just hard. Sometimes it just doesn’t go the way we want. We lose our job or our home. People we truly care about let us down. Life let’s us down. But all of this is part of life, we are not in Heaven yet. And we need to learn to deal with these issues, without letting them pull us down.

So what do we do? How do we handle the “downs” of life? The answer is as simple and hard as life itself. We Pray and we shift our Focus.

And First, we ask Jesus to change our Hearts. We ask Jesus to help us love exactly where we are and to see the good in it. And instead we Focus on how we can help all of those that Jesus has placed in our lives. Helping others not only will help them, it will help us :). For helping others will truly add happiness to our lives. It always has and it always will. And it will soothe our hearts.

Part of the hurt/sadness and anger of tough times comes from focusing on the hurt and sadness. The anger often comes from that hurt and/or sadness. And “righteous” anger can be the worst. But God can not work through anger, and so it has to go.

And whether it is a loss of something like a job or home, or the hurt that comes when someone lets us down, dwelling on it will only bring us misery.

And so we need to shift our focus. There are two steps to shifting our focus. The first is asking Jesus to shift our focus. Prayer is always the best first step. The second is a bit harder. It’s discipline. The Holy Spirit can help us with that :); just ask Him! Part of that shift/discipline is simply shifting our minds to a different subject when our mind seeks to dwell on the hurt.

We are “in charge” of our minds. We get to decide what we will think about. We can either dwell on a past hurt of dwell on the happy day we have planned for tomorrow. We can either dwell on the job we lost or dwell on the new possibilities ahead.

Happiness is a Choice, given to us by God Himself. But it is a choice we need to make.

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!