There is a quote from a Christian song, “before you bring your needs, bring your heart”. How true! God wants to hear our needs. All of them. Big and small. But God wants to hear more than that!
He wants to hear about the happenings of our day and how we feel about them. He wants to hear about the happy parts of our day. And a thank you doesn’t hurt either! He also wants to hear about the hard parts of our day. About our fears and worries. God wants to hear about those we love, and those we don’t. In other words, God wants to hear about it all from our perspective!
And then God wants to hear about our needs – great and small! Perhaps someone we love is sick; perhaps we are sick. Perhaps we, or someone we know, needs a job. Perhaps one of our children needs to correct the path they are on. The list is endless!
Perhaps we are concerned about the welfare of a country, or those in it. Our God created this world; He can help one country in it! Or the people in it! There is no prayer too big for God.
There is a tendancy among some to think that they should only ask God for help with “big” things. They don’t want to “bother” God. But this is simply not true. God wants to be “bothered”! So if we need help with our day, a babysitter for our child, milk for our children, help with cooking dinner or growing our garden…God loves us more than we can imagine. We can ask Him anything and because He loves us, He will help us, if it is His Will for us.
And perhaps that is the most important point. As we are finishing our prayers, we need to end them with “Thy Will Be Done”. Sometimes we pray about what we want. Of course, we do! And God is happy to hear all of our prayers! But God knows more about what is needed than we do, so sometimes God has to say “No” or “Not Yet” for our own good and/or for the good of those we love. This is where Trust comes in. We need to Trust that God Loves us and knows what is best for us in the short run and the long run.
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!