“I Am Coming Back Soon”

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” – Matthew 24:12

Iniquity is sin. And I think that we can all agree that sin has run rampant these last years! And the “love of many” has waxed cold. Think of the parents that chose to have their minor children have transgender surgery! So much pain, emotional and physical! No one who truly loves their child could make that choice!

And that is just one example. Those who walk by a hungry man without feeding him. Those who are mistreat someone, without cause, who is in prison. Churches that have split, rather than follow God’s Word. Loving not God’s Word, but only themselves!

Not loving each other, as God loves us!

Clearly there is much sin going on in our world, but the Good News is that Jesus is coming back-soon 🙂

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!