I often think of Mary with awe! Although we often talk of Jesus’ Great Sacrifice, we don’t talk about Mary’s sacrifice nearly enough. For she was as human as we are. Her pain while watching Her Son on that Cross had to have been more than we could ever bear if it was our child hanging on that Cross. But still She did it, because she loved our Lord and She loved us!
As a mom, I can’t even begin to imagine the horror and pain that Mary endured watching Jesus, her Son, die on that Cross. The little boy that brought her pitchers of water, the baby she held in her arms… Jesus’ human side came from Mary
I couldn’t do it. But Mary did, because She knew that the best way She could help her Son was to love Him and be there for Him.
And so Mary stood at the foot of that Cross. The pain must have been unbearable. But She did it. She loved her Son and us that much!
A million thoughts must have raced through Her. That She didn’t simply collapse Grace.
I know that I would have ended up begging God to spare my Son. But Mary prayed that God’s Will be done. Would we? Could we?
As a Mom, the sheer horror of watching my son crucified would have broken me. But Mary did not break, because Her love for Jesus was that strong and overcame all. And Jesus loves her as only a Son can love His Mother. And for that, I will always be grateful to Mary and hope and pray to be like Her.
Too often, Churches seem to argue about Mary’s “role in the church”, but the truth is there really is no need. Mary was Jesus’ Mother and one of the best role models we could ever have. As for the confusion about “praying” to Mary. It’s not that we “pray to her as if she was God” We ask her to pray for us! And why would we not!
Mary is in Heaven with Jesus, Queen of Heaven, and I talk with her often. Sometimes simply to thank her for her sacrifice or for praying for me, sometimes to ask Her to pray for me or others! And I know she will, because she loves each of us! She IS our Blessed Mother!