A great friend wrote this, just had to share 🙂
When it seems like following God’s Will and Purpose in your life, is more difficult than when you were not – it becomes easy to be disappointed, complain and be bitter towards Him – even thinking that you could have done better on your own (i.e. doesn’t this sound like the evil one saying “I told you so.”). If you only knew how much that God’s Assignments are SO Perfectly Refined and for your personal well being – that His Infinite Love and Care for you IS like no other – you would be ashamed for a single thought or word spoken against Him. Thank God, His Love knows no boundary – that He gave His Only Son, Jesus Christ just for you, whom WAS, and IS, and IS to come – even knowing that some of the world would reject Him. God weaves your time granted on earth together with His Children, like the Master He IS – knowing how much you will impact another, many times that you are not even aware of. Only His Mercy and Grace allows you to have glimpses – God IS Good like that! Amazingly, He still gives you a choice to listen to Him or not. Please, REALLY listen to Him! Amen.
Remember when you use to play connect the dots and when you thought you were really getting good at it – now close your eyes and imagine billions and billions of dots that not only require connecting but intersecting with one another! Your Heavenly Father Truly IS “King of Connect the Dots”! Every moment before you, during you, after you, He intricately orchestrated and planned. That IS why it is SO important to be part of His Plan – that your moments spent on earth are to His Glory and Honor! Know that His Heart aches when you are not – Truly He needs you to share Him with others, to be His Extension of His Healing Touch to those in need – His Instrument in His Orchestra, in Tune, Watching and Listening to Him, Focused and Prepared to Perform – to not hesitate when He points His Baton at you! Amen.
Now may you always know God’s Love, Peace and Joy that He freely gives you – that He YEARNS to give you! May you rejoice for the opportunity to humbly serve Him well, now and forever. LOOK – He IS pointing His Baton at you now!!
In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace.