Everywhere you look, the news today is bad. And sadly, for Christians, it will get worse. Much worse. During a sermon I was listening to, it talked about how it doesn’t matter how much we earned last year, it matters what we earn this year. The same can be said of our relationship with our Lord.. We can’t rely on our relationship with our Lord from last year, we need to work on it every single day. As for the discouraging news, we need to take it as a reminder to walk closely with our Lord and enjoy today, the day God has given us. Be cozy at home, make a great dinner, enjoy our time with our husbands and children. And keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, and our hearts filled with the Holy Spirit. Our Father would never send us, where “His Grace would not sustain us”. So my friends, “Do not fear”. Jesus Lives, and so will we
Last Year Does Not Matter, This Year Does!