Listening To God Requires Surrender!

One way we “listen to God” is when we pray. We pour out all of our thoughts and feelings, we ask Him what His will is for us in a certain situation(s). We bring to Him our “needs” We ask God what choices we should make.

But before we can truly hear some of God’s answers on what choices we should make, we need to truly surrender to God. Surrender is when we give ALL of ourselves, all of our wants, our needs, our feelings, our choices…everything we are to God. We let Him know that every choice in our lives belongs to Him.

We need to be willing to accept God’s answer, even if it is No or Not Yet. Not with resentment or disappointment, but with Peace. God’s Peace.

A pretty tall order! For example, are we willing to be poor, to be alone, to be sick…Surrendering to God doesn’t mean we will be any of those things, but it does mean we will be “willing” to be, if that is God’s Will for us.

Such a complete “surrender” needs prayer. Below are prayers that we can use, but we can also find or make our own:

The Surrender Novena: Let Jesus Take Care of Everything

Healing Prayer of Surrender

In order to truly hear God’s voice, we need to let God know that we will truly listen to and obey Him. And once we truly surrender to God, we will hear His Voice.

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!