Seems to be a common debate these days. Those for masks say that they are for them because they help prevent others from becoming ill with Covid. Those against masks say they do not help protect anyone.
It’s a complicated issue, an issue on which many good people disagree, and an issue upon which Christians disagree. But masks in and of themselves are not yet proven to be a Christian issue. What is a Christian issue is loving thy neighbor!
We can’t always help what we “feel” and sometimes we have to ask God to help with our “feelings”. But we can always help how we act! Jesus didn’t say “love thy neighbors” with whom we agree. He told us to love ALL of our neighbors.
So the next time we meet someone with whom we clearly disagree with-let’s make it our personal project to reach out to them and to be kind to them.
God always keeps His Promises. We promised to “love our neighbor”, so let’s keep our promise and let’s make being kind to everyone we meet our special project this week and see what a difference that makes ?