We all, no matter how faithful, have room to grow. Whether there is a sin we need to rid ourselves of, or that we just need to grow in our love for our Lord and all of His people-there’s always room to grow in our faith.
I heard an interesting thing once, “if we expect others to believe what we believe, than we best believe it ourselves”! It makes one think…
If we truly believe that Heaven awaits only those who accept Jesus as their Savior, than we must share that knowledge with others. If we truly believe that there is one God, and only one God, that can protect us, than we must share that as well! And if we truly believe that the Holy Spirit has come to be our Comforter and Friend, than if we love others, we need to share that!
Because if we truly believe all of that, and if we truly believe the only way to Heaven is through faith in Jesus Christ, than we don’t want to leave anyone behind 🙂
As for Revival, we must pray that it starts with each of us. Let us love God and all God’s people with our whole heart and soul. May the Holy Spirit fill our hearts with that love and the courage to share it, for we were born for such a time as this.