Olympic Opening Ceremony Beams Satanic Attacks Into Unsuspecting Family Homes!

Many families with young children gathered around their TVs to watch the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics! They were so excited. They had made the popcorn and gathered together. Preparing to root for their favorite athletes, they had no idea of the satanic and evil message that was about to be sent into their homes and shown to their young children! How incredibly sad and shocking for ALL of them.

As they sat in shock, did they leave the room? Did the parents cover their children’s eyes? Did they cover their own? Did they turn off the TV? I am sure that some did. At least, I hope some did.

That no one was expecting such a satanic attack that night is, I am sure true. There have been so many comments from viewers who have said they will not watch the Olympics again!

But we need to do more than that, we need to get ready. For the choices that lay ahead will be even more difficult. It will make them easier, if we make them now. And it will be even easier if we ask God what we should do!

Here are some more examples, if we see another person getting hurt, will we intervene? What if we see a person being kidnapped? If we need food, how far will we go to get it? Will we get the mark? Will we steal? Or will we ask God for help and wait for Him to help us?

How many times in a show or movie is too many for the use of God with a swearword – before we get up and leave or turn it off? What if a friend uses God’s Name with a swearword? How many times per week should we pray? A few times a week, daily or several times a day?

If we have teenage children who can be difficult, will we still kneel with them every night and pray? Will we make our children go to college while living at home so we can be sure they are not swept up in the current wokeness or demonstrations against Israel and God’s Chosen People?

Will we be especially kind to each person we meet? Will we reach out to people in need? Will we wave to our neighbors and fellow drivers? Will we talk to the person in the grocery line? Will we be an ambassador for Jesus?

These are not questions with a definite answer. They are questions to pray about and think about so we are ready when we are faced with difficult choices.

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!