“Have you been there, the moment rose petals expanded into a full blossom, Experienced the hummingbird’s wings, stopped in motion mid-air, awesome, Or the breath of a moose, in the winter, frozen in the air, that you can touch, Felt baby’s creation at conception, God’s Spirit given, you known that much.”
“Such is your Heavenly Father’s Calling to you, so important to prepare, see, For He gives you this, sometimes in a whisper, ordinary made extraordinary, He may use person beside you, in front of or behind, His Holy Spirit Stirring,”
“Even one of His angels, taken another form on this earth, you not realizing. Would be a shame, to miss His Blessed Opportunity, because of distraction, Not walking with Him, living in His Will, maybe not reacting due to hesitation, For the only way to prepare is to be humble, ask God repentance of your sin,”
“Request Jesus Christ in your heart, seeking His Ways always and Direction. God will even cross your path, with event for wake-up call, when off-course, Perhaps using His Word as the Tool, with a very specific chapter and verse,”
“So many chances He gives you, His Love for you surely knows no boundary, His Mercy and Grace, His Need for you to share Him, so others able to see.”
A friend of mine wrote this; we must pray we don’t miss our chance 🙂
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!