All Glory & Honor to God and Peace to His people on earth. All blog postings inspired by God. :) Countries & Territories Visiting Include: Albania, America, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, England, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guyana, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia , Iran, Ireland ,Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Seychelles, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom, U.S. Virgin Islands, Vietnam, Zimbabwe
Last night there was an earthquake in Syria. It was felt also in Israel and Lebanon.
This morning there was another earthquake in Hama, Syria. This earthquake was felt in Syria, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon.
God’s Warning. Will the world listen?
Israel belongs to God and so do the Jewish People. They are His Chosen people and He loves them! He brought them home to Israel and they will not be moved.
Will the world listen? We can only pray and hope so!
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!
The night of August 12-Tuesday August 13, 2024 is the 9th Day of the Annual Fast in Judaism. The Jewish people mourn a number of disasters on this day and we also need to recognize and mourn the destruction of the First and Second Temples, as well as all of the harm done to the Jewish People. Please pray for all of them!
At one time, the Jewish Temple was the only Temple. The First Temple was ordered built by Solomon and the First Temple was built on the Temple Mount. The First Temple contained both the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat, as well as Aaron’s Rod and a pot of Manna!
The Second Temple contained a stone that weighed 400 tons and contained up to a million people. It was so beautiful, it is said that Jesus cried “at the thought of its destruction”. Among Christians, the Temple is well known for the visit Jesus made to it at age 12, as well as His anger and cleansing of the Temple. Jesus said that the Temple would be destroyed in 70 A.D.-and it was.
Why are the Temples so important to Christians? First, they are part of our history. We have a shared history with the Jewish people. No one else. Our history is, in many ways, their history. That is one reason why Israel and the Jewish people have always been so important to Christians.
Our Bible doesn’t just include the New Testament, it also includes the Old Testament. And:
“16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every good work.”-2 Timothy 3:16-17
Notice, Timothy did not say some; Timothy said “All”!
Second, the Jewish people have and always will be, God’s “Chosen People” and God loves them and so should we! And no one can replace them and no one destroy them. There will always be a “remanent”, because God loves them that much!
The First Temple contained both the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat, as well as Aaron’s Rod and a pot of Manna!
The Second Temple was known for Jesus’ visit at age 12, Jesus’s Cleansing of the Temple and the fact that Jesus said it would be destroyed in 70 A.D.-and it was!
There will be a Third Temple and Jesus will come again!
Please pray for Israel today!!!
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!
Isn’t that so true? Jesus loved us First. And because He loved us so much; we loved Him.
The song, “Love Moved First” by Casting Crowns sings about how when we fell, “love refused to let my story end that way”! It talks about how Jesus came “running” after us. Jesus does the same for all of us. We only need to accept His great love and He will always come “running after” us!
As long as we are alive, it is never too late!
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”-Philippians 4:6-7
God can give us a peace beyond all understanding, even in the midst of horrific trials. But we also need to do our part. And we need to ask Him for it.
What is our part?
Where do we place our focus? Because we need to focus on Jesus and the Heaven that awaits us! And the peace God can give us right now! And we need to ask Him for it 🙂
Sadly, we often think that we must focus on all of our worries and the future that is coming on this earth, but we don’t. We can instead turn our minds away from the earthly future that worries us, and even the worries of today, and instead focus on the peace God wants us to have.
We can surround ourselves with things of God. We can read God’s Word and focus on all of the Promises that He made us. And we can rest on them, because God always keeps His Promises!
Focus not on today or tomorrow, but on the Lord Himself and the Heaven that awaits us!
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!
Many families with young children gathered around their TVs to watch the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics! They were so excited. They had made the popcorn and gathered together. Preparing to root for their favorite athletes, they had no idea of the satanic and evil message that was about to be sent into their homes and shown to their young children! How incredibly sad and shocking for ALL of them.
As they sat in shock, did they leave the room? Did the parents cover their children’s eyes? Did they cover their own? Did they turn off the TV? I am sure that some did. At least, I hope some did.
That no one was expecting such a satanic attack that night is, I am sure true. There have been so many comments from viewers who have said they will not watch the Olympics again!
But we need to do more than that, we need to get ready. For the choices that lay ahead will be even more difficult. It will make them easier, if we make them now. And it will be even easier if we ask God what we should do!
Here are some more examples, if we see another person getting hurt, will we intervene? What if we see a person being kidnapped? If we need food, how far will we go to get it? Will we get the mark? Will we steal? Or will we ask God for help and wait for Him to help us?
How many times in a show or movie is too many for the use of God with a swearword – before we get up and leave or turn it off? What if a friend uses God’s Name with a swearword? How many times per week should we pray? A few times a week, daily or several times a day?
If we have teenage children who can be difficult, will we still kneel with them every night and pray? Will we make our children go to college while living at home so we can be sure they are not swept up in the current wokeness or demonstrations against Israel and God’s Chosen People?
Will we be especially kind to each person we meet? Will we reach out to people in need? Will we wave to our neighbors and fellow drivers? Will we talk to the person in the grocery line? Will we be an ambassador for Jesus?
These are not questions with a definite answer. They are questions to pray about and think about so we are ready when we are faced with difficult choices.
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!
Many gathered in France, athletes and attendees alike, to be at the Olympic Opening Ceremonies. Excitement ran high. Many of the athletes had worked their entire lives to be able to be there. Many attendees, whether they were families or people who just really wanted to be there, were just as excited and paid much to be there!
But then, a horrific thing happened. France included a horrific satanic ceremony in which a satanic last supper was included. And then something even worse happened: the Christian athletes and attendees stayed!
Each Christian there had a choice, to go or to stay. And they stayed. Fortunately, each Christian in still alive and can repent. But far harder choices lay before us in the future. We need to get ready to make those choices, because we may not be alive to repent them.
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!
“Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. 25 The other disciples therefore said to him, “We have seen the Lord.”
So he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”
And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, “Peace to you!” 27 Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.”
And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”
Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” – John 20:24-31
Doubts are a common problem that we all struggle with. But Jesus knew that we would, and He understood. And more importantly, He loves us anyway.
Because we struggle with doubts does not make us less Christian. Faith is not about how we Feel on any given day, it’s about who we choose to Follow every single day!
So do not “feel” badly if there are times that you doubt. Instead, just give your doubts to Jesus. Just tell Him plainly that you want to believe, that you are following Him and need help.
If we want a stronger faith; we just need to ask Jesus to give us one. Faith is a gift, especially the kind that truly sets our heart on fire for the Lord. And sometimes it takes a while to receive it, so keep praying and don’t ever give up 🙂
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!
Tornados, earthquakes, trains and trucks that blow up with hazardous materials contaminating the area and hurting people, tsunamis, the wars, political violence, political riots, attacks on Israel and on God’s Chosen people: the Jewish people, attempted assassinations…There is much to fear from both natural disasters and manmade ones.
“My One Safe Place” is a song by Andrew Peterson. It talks about the One Safe Place, the Only Safe Place, is with Jesus. We need to run there now!
We need to Pray more and Focus on Jesus. Whenever we feel afraid or worried, we need to Focus on Jesus and Pray. It is impossible to focus on Jesus and our fears in the same moment!
Even more difficult times are ahead. Even more to fear and worry about. Practice Focusing on Jesus NOW and Pray more now!
We need to anoint our homes and make them a refuge of Godly Peace. Filled with the Peace that only God can give, and then we need to share them with others.
Get Ready!
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!